Friday, December 10, 2010

Prince Ariendur Action-Paperdoll

Now the wet-dream of many has finally became true, the glorious and multitalented DM Jakubias has hand-crafted a paperdoll of Arius the Prince!
As he was summoned to housewarming party/gathering of the Society of Horrible Gentlemen at Sir Williams Slampad, he decided to keep it cheap and thus manufactured this unique piece art, Arius Paperdoll, as a housewarming gift. Take a look!

Yeah, I know, FANTASTIC!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Chapter Seven - Like a cutting blade they cross the Kingdom, again!

Session was held 20th of November 2010 at the Altar of Games

After the unleashing of sword Ilbrandir's true legacy powers, Arius, Douglas, Jared and Karaz the dwarf climbed down the long ladders that went from the Witchkings workroom to the mountain top. Finally they ascended back to the workroom where Melkor was waiting for them. The old sage looked troubled but he congratulated young Arius from gaining the swords true power, but after the formalities the wizard stepped up and revealed what he had learned from the mind projection of the Witchking.

Melkor the loremaster told the others that they would soon leave for Berdusk, a free city southwest from here, near the bulwark borderlands of Darnon. They decided to leave at once but Karaz the old dwarven friend of Melkor told them that he would stay in Asbravn for a while, maybe doing some money as a smith. But their return to the plains was put in halt instantly after leaving the Witchkings tower. Sharply croaking winged creature plummeted downwards shrieking how the heroes would "pay for their meddlings" throwing sharp and fiery spikes from itself. And as our heroes prepared to battle against this flying devil, crackling sound behind them bringed forth unexpected doom. Three gargoyles which were waiting over the towers giant doorway charged on our heroes backs, slaying the unfortunate Douglas outright (the DM once again threw a instant death, 20+20+success), ripping away the poor rogue's ribs, thus exposing cavities that Melkor didn't even know to exists. Rest of our heroes fought hard against these stony creatures, and finally won the expectionally violent combat.

They found that the gargoyles carried strange amulets bearing a unknown wizards personal symbol. Melkor was unable to identify who was the mage and they forgot the matter as they began to mourn their fallen comrade. In the mids of their grief, Jared had a insight from his god Lathander that there was a way to bring back Douglas, altought he would never be a same man again. They buried Douglas under heavy stones, but took few pieces of his remains and his personal belongings with them, in order to carry out Lathanders plan.
To repair the unrepairable
After two days of unbearable hiking, they were back at the gates of Asbravn. The gatewatch did not suspect them as they were too busy in catching a halfling murderer and thus checking under every cloak and skirt. Jared pronounced that he needed several rare oils and unguents in order to bring back Douglas, and so they decided to ventrue to the house of old cleric Sembor who gave his life in bringing back Arius just few weeks ago. And yes, they smelled the few weeks when they arrived to the clerics house. Horrid stench of decay lurked in the basement where they left the cleric, and now Jared had to ascend to the holy man's final rest and search for the ingredients. Our beloved priest succeed and cast the spell of Reincarnate granted by Lathander as his domain spell. Under a carefully set linen the oils and remains of Douglas started to realign and after an hour of transformation, a new man rose from the floor, threw away the cloth and behold! He looked nothing like Douglas anymore!

After recovering from the initial shock caused by the new form of Douglas, the others explained it all to the poor reincarnate. Douglas was shakened at least but proved to be a good sport by gathering his things and they were on the move again! After re-equipping themselves with ranged projectiles amongst all the other things, Karaz the dwarf wished them farewell as they rode out of the city in order to plunge into the southwestern parts of their beloved realm in peril.

Their stride through the lush plains of Darnon went well, but eventually the adventure came forth to our magnificient four. A man, venerable in age, walk towards them, crying his eyes out, his mouth covered in dry blood. It soon became apparent that the tongue of the poor geezer was cut off, so all he could say was plain mutter. Melkor demanded him to calm down and gave to him a inkpen and a piece of parchment. The senior, named Oldaar wrote how group of men, propably a cult of some sort that he could not define (mainly because he was from west, passing through the kingdom) had kidnapped his granddaugher Brennia and headed south. The heroes were convinced, there was a damsel in distress!
Damsel in distress!
They rode against the night, stopping only to ask guidance from few locals. Eventually they managed to track down the slavering party to a group of old buildings, propably a farmstead nearing the state of crumbling. There those villanous captors celebrated around two large campfires, few of them set in guard around the buildings. By their keen eyes they spotted five guards carrying long spears, falchions on their belt and sporting long, groomed mustaches. Melkor identified these men as Kothian Mercenaries. There was also two knights in company of a old cleric, propably the leader of the gang. The knights were most likely Initiates of the Order of the Black Cliff. Our master deceivers crafted a battleplan where Melkor and Arius would stay in the cover of darkness while Jared and Douglas would march into the camp disguising themselves as travellers. Gramps Oldaar and Hero the Dog would stay guarding the horses mile or so away.

Everything thing went according the plan, and our proud "travellers" managed to arouse the campers so, that they exposed their true agendas as northern sect of the Church of the Bitter Lord, advancing towards Iriaebor while harvesting fresh "ceremonial vessels" as they called their young captives. As swords were drawn and spears thrust, Melkor the Battlemage summoned a vicious ice storm on their enemies, leaving their enemies crippled and frozen. The battle ensued, and the cult followers received reinforcements as two more initiates rode to battle, but all that was in vain as our heroes once again triumphed over their enemies. One of the Kothians managed to slay three of the captives but the others were saved, including Oldaars granddaughter Brennia. One of the ex-captives was called Cidela Pepperpath, maybe young in age but proven as a warrior. The other were a young man, almost a boy and a farmgirl from Asbravn.

Oldaar thanked the heroes, and everyone was touched by the reunion of the gramps and his granddaughter. Meanwhile, Jared was forced to heal one of the seriously wounded Kothians as he begged for mercy and redemption. Nothing is better for a servant of Lathander than saving a evil soul back to the good side, it beats even killing the bad guys! The rescued young man told his name to be Lot, he was a squire looking for a new master to serve, and even though Arius was just barely older than him, the boy asked for to be a squire for him. Arius eventually agreed and Lot told that when Arius would purchase a real lance, he would be called Lance-Lot! Despite the grim setting, a spontaneous laughter echoed far and loud!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chapter Six - Only a madman would ventrue to the mountains at this time

Session was held 9th of October 2010 at the Altar of Games

It had been six long days since Melkor was last seen outside his room at the Whispering Maiden Inn. Arius, Jared and Douglas were utterly bored, as they had churned down pitcher after pitcher at the tavern while waiting the bookworm wizard to re-appear. Altough Jared finally had some private time to carve a new and glorious holy symbol of Lathander, and he was proud of his achievement. Finally the loremaster came out, and proclaimed that they were going the the Bloodmountain to seek out the Witchking and activate the legacy abilities of Ilbrandir, the mighty powersword of Arius! And in awe and wonder did the rest gaze upon the mad wizard.

After preparing up the rest of the day, they met once again in tavern to drink for their upcoming victory and relish good ol' memories. Melkor questioned Jared and Douglas from their pasts, and while Jared told about his past in Cormyrian little village known as Eveningstar and how he went to the temple of Lathander and became a cleric, Douglas was little in his words. Assumption was that Douglas had dark secrets he wanted to hide, most likely criminal activity of some sort and the talk about one's history soon ceased as ale and wine poured down their thirsty throats.

To the mountains!
Early next morning the adventure began as they left the city of Asbravn in their quest to march to northeast, where the Blood Mountain presumably was. Their journey was hampered by rain, but they managed to keep in schedule and reached the point that Melkor had planned, and camped there over the night. Next morning as the trail became more increasingly perilous thus forcing their steeds to struggle with their gait, they continued until afternoon when sudden bellowing and roaring made them to cease their journey. They peeked over a hill and saw few ogres harassing their captives, and Melkor decided to solve the problem with a tactical fireball. Little did he know that a malevolent goblin mage, Skritsnok had casted resist energy-spell on those brutes and threw a fireball on Melkor instead. Battle against the goblin wizard was fierce, but soon the creatures lied dead on the ground. One surviving captive, half-orc called Baltrus the Hothead thanked our heroes and promised to make things even one day.

The journey continued and next morning the fellowship woke up early to see the first glimpses of rising sun, and as a cartographer had told Melkor back in Asbravn, the first rays of sun turned one mountainpeak red as blood, and so they knew where-to continue their voyage. Hills became mountains and while ascending futher and futher, Melkor was alerted by shouts in dwarven tongue. They run towards the noice, and saw group of orcs impaling men with long wooden stakes! They assaulted those brutal green pricks via invisibility sphere-spell and managed to rescue one dwarf who fought against the orcs long enough. And oh the joy as Melkor regonized the dwarf to be Karaz Thronehammer, adventuring dwarf from Baldur's Gate, with whom he had drank three years in a row almost twenty years ago. Karaz thanked the heroes and promised to accompany the party to the Witchkings lair, as he had nothing better to do either. Later that day they reached huge stairs chiselded to the mountainside, and decided to rest the night at their feet.

To the Tower!
Next day they begun climbing the stairs, and after three long hours they reached somewhat flat space in the top of the stone stairs, where they saw a huge metal door. And just as they managed to declare the place as the entrance to Witchkings lair, the door opened, and large giant stepped forth and challenged our heroes. After few cruel rounds of violent battle, the giant who managed to claim to be the Witchking, died a horrible death from our heroes hungry blades. And thus they went in to the lair of the Witchking!

The room behinf the door was a messy habitat of a hill giant, but soon a hollow and otherworldy voice speaked to them and encouraged them to ventrue futher, as it was unable to answer their questions on such low level of it's tower. They walked the marblestairs up, and stepped in to a round room, full of sofas and divans, rich curtains, beautifull green plants,parfumed oils slowly burning in their vessels, generating amazing feel of warmth and comfort. They voice commanded them to sit down and rest as it's maidens would soon bring them some food and drink. And soon four beautiful ladies walked forth behind a curtain, tempting our heroes with their naked curves and tasty meals. So tempted they were that one seduced Douglas who in his lust kissed the perfect-looking maiden and dicovered to his malaise the woman to be a succubus, the demon of seduction! The demoness tried to grapple Douglas, but our ever-cunning thief threw the man-eater away from him, forcing the she-demon to teleport back to it's homeplane Abyss, as it was not a demon of battle and fighting the proud adventurers would have been too much of a task for it. The rest of the beautiful maidens vanished too, as they had been cruel illusions made by the demon. Later it came apparent that Melkor the pervert knew all along that the maidens were trick of a succubus but he enjoyed them too much to alert the rest of the gang!

Even tough the illusory warmness of the chamber was gone, the party decided to rest there still a bit, and later ascend to the upper levels. The voice spoke again and warned that his familiar, Ormom, who lived on the upper floor, had grown large over the years as he, the voice, had forgotten his magical everfullilng saucepitcher to the creatures vicinity. And as our heroes climbed yet again more stairs, and reached a frozen door which opened with a strong kick, they saw a huge toad (advanced Ice Toad from Frostfell), white in color with blue boil-like spots, licking the pitcher with it's ridiculously large tongue. Soon the battle ensued as the behemoth snapped Arius to its jaws and swallowed the poor prince into its guts. But thanks to his powerfull fellows, the toad fell on it's back as it lost the fight and Arius hacked his way trough the giant belly with his spiked shield.

The Voice explained that the creature had swallowed his staff of frost, thus causing the monster to transform into this beign of ice, but no such a thing was found from its gizzard. Our brave posse continued their journey and passed the next level with haste as it was nothing but a empty library. But they were stopped on the one above as they stormed into a alchemical laboratory/study where was the voice as a young wizard, doing his experiments. The man smiled and the voice said "oh how young and eager I was" causing the young wizard to transform into nightmarish shape of pure void. The being sucked the air around it, thus the name Voidwraith (from Libris Mortis), making the battle against it at least suffocating. To crown it all, the creature was incorporeal, making it almost impossible to harm, but look, then came Jared and with his new holy symbol called forth the power of Lathander who turned and destoyed the foul creature of the void.

Oh the glory!
And as they climbed one more set of stairs, they reached small room with a luxurous chair and table, and the voice finally told that it was ready to answer their questions. But it told that it was nothing but mere thoughts of once powerfull wizard, infused into the walls of the tower as side-effect from the wizards might. The wizard was long gone, but the voice still provided them as best as it could. It told everyone else but Melkor, to climb long ladders up in order to invocate the powers of Arius's sword, Ilbrandir the Kingsblade, by showing the sword what kingdom it would reign with it's wielder. Melkor as a wizard would cause harm in the place where the ladders took, so he would need to stay in the room. And so the rest climbed for hours, none of them couldn't keep track how long the ladders actually took, but finally the crawled out from a trapdoor and noticed that they were on the top of the Bloodmountain, gazing the setting sun, and downthere somewhere they saw the kingdom of Darnon. And as Arius raised his sword and showed the kingdom for it, a brilliant bright light flashed and when they could once again see, they saw the sword radiant in its power, and lo...


Monday, September 27, 2010

All glory for the Fallen

The mighty warlords of Society of Horrible Gentlemen have conjured up a list of fallen heroes of the past, meaning that now we can gaze the past campaigns in somewhat chronological order. Hail the Society!

On the right one may see the Adventure Company of North, the last campaign of the Society.

The Son of a Bitch - campaignblog has also achieved somewhat mature state, and Lord Protector Jakubias feels quite satisfied with it, it might even give answers for some seekers of sacred knowledge.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Our heroes - illustrated!

An underpaid Faerunian artist doodled these illustrations from our heroes one night at a tavern. They are otherwise quite look-alikes, but Douglas was already so wasted that the artist had to struggle with that drunken rogue.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chapter Five: Cross the Kingdom in search for adventures!

Session was held 10th-12th september at the Gustaf's Hideout

After plundering the Sparlklestone mines Melkor decided that it was time to pursue his own agendas for a while. As our heroes ravaged the supper that Tremeld Sinivihta served them in the Foresthouse Inn, Melkor revealed that their next destination would be the city of Asbravn, Darnons biggest city after the capital Iriaebor. They would cross the Hasturs Crossing and travel to the town of Darkshallow, and after resting there for a night, they would continue to Asbravn.

Before taking the path to Asbravn, our fellowship decided to update their pseudonyms. And thus Melkor became Lemor, Arius became Suira the Slayer, Douglas chose the name of Keldorn and Jared wished to be Valygar Blackbag. And together they would be called the Luskan Renegades, group of fearless mercenaries from Luskan.

To Darkshallow!
June 5th or 5th of Kythorn in Faerunian calendar our proud posse left for their quest. Their able steeds galloped to the Crossing of Hastur where they helped to farmers, Krent and Urvald to cross the stream with their donkey. After this valiant act they continued to east, towards the town of Darkshallows. It was almost an evening and it was grievously clear that they wouldn't make it to the town this day. To crown all, they saw riders in eastern horizon. Luckily for our "Luskanian mercenaries", the riders weren't the notorious Riders of the Black Cliff, popularly known as Skull Riders. They were Lieutenant Conder and his men, soldiers from the city of Asbravn on their way to the western borders. Little did Lieutenant Conder know when he started to question our heroes about their origins, that those few questions with bit too sharp tongue would turn to demise for him and his men.

It was 'bout noon next day when our merry brotherhood reached the town. If a little town can be a dead place, Darkshallow was even worse. Everything was grey and way beyond the best before-date. Old wooden church with unmarked belfry governed the center of the town, while housing gave room for the fishermens huts in the waterfront of lake Darkshallow. After questioning the barsmaid Adele in the Red Apple Inn it became clear that the new priest Father Lonhard with his men had become a hammer of tyranny and oppression, murdering three fishermen without a trial on a charge of devil worshipping acts of treachery. Old fisherman Keoff Nattarley knew few details more and advised our heroes to inquire man called Mulroon, Father Lonhards right hand, fat & drunk mercenary often seen rumbling in the Red Apple.

Terrible setback!
Day became night and our heroes cunningly digged the facts out of Mulroon while he was drinking heavily. Three executed boys were innocent and father Lonhard had framed them up for his own motives. Along theu inquiry, Arius and Douglas challanged Mulroon to a drinking game, resulting in small bar fight which ended when Douglas kicked Mulroons knee-cap to smithereens. While Melkor and Jared were sober next morning, Arius and Douglas were far from it. Troubled by massive hangover, they fought themselves up as Adele came knocking in, warning our heroes from a lynching mob waiting outside the Inn. Our fearless party decided to face the villains as there were no other exit than the front door, even though the dusty windowpanes of the Inn didn't clearly show what they were up against.

On the yard there were father Lonhard and his four men. Accusing our heroes of devilish treason, Lonhard launched an sudden attack against them, summoning a fiendish dire wolf (horrible beast from the Monster Manual) to aid his dark cause. Battle ravaged terribly, wounding our heroes badly, but leaving the enemy dead and maimed. Only Lonhard managed to escape, even though Melkor launched a lightning bolt against the evil cleric. Following the priest to the church, the fellowship ascended steep stairway into a small chapel or chamber which revealed a secret tunnel into a small underground pond most likely linked into the lake itself. There was father Lonhard fording into the body of water, while a altar of stone stand on the edge, and on the altar there were three skulls, still covered in recently dried blood. Melkor finished the crazened cleric with yet again precise bolt of lightning, but the battle was far from being over. From the pond arose a slimy being later identified as Uchuulon (search from the Stormwreck guidebook), a horrible a crustacean aberration with loads of slime and tentacles. The creature suprised everyone with it's speed and before Arius even managed to lift his shield the unearthly beast punctured it, piercing it's deadly crab-like claws into poor prince's stomach, raveling his guts and pulling the life out of him (The DM Jakubias rolled 20 + 20 + success, scoring a instant kill, which he celebrated shortly). This atrocious act shocked everyone, as Arius's mangled corpse fell to the floor.

Altought horrified by the creatures blow, rest of our heroes quickly resumed in action, dragging Arius away from the creature, grabbing Lonhards golden medallion that Douglas had spotted earlier and escaping through the tunnel. The monstrosity was hampered by the cramped tunnel so our heroes had time to set the whole church in fire, burning away the devil and the slaughtered corpses of their enemies.

As the heroes watched yet another religious building reducing to ashes the few villagers thanked them from their heroic act and oathed to help them whenever they would need assistance. Rest of the day our shattered fellows gathered themselves up and mourned their fallen comrade. Melkor knew that in order to pursue his own goals, the revival of Arius would crucial, so they mustered old cart from the townsfolk and begun their slow journey towards Asbravn, Arius laying cold in the cart.

To Asbravn
Next day, after succesfull campnight beside the road, our fellows were getting closer to the city, they rescued a injured man from small group of marauding commoners. Man was Nemerd Stonetower, an official in the city of Asbravn, in his way to Darkshallow for statistics and drafting. He demanded to be escorted to Asbravn, and promised speak the heroes in no matter what time it would be when they would reach the gates. The man stood behind his words, and even recommended a tavern/inn called Whispering Maiden near the gates. From there the heroes began their quest of finding out a person suitable to improve the general condition of poor Arius. Cuven the Whispering Maidens innkeeper knew old man called Sembor, who once long time before the current state of tyranny and intolerance, operated as a powerfull cleric. And so our heroes met the old priest and convinced him to help Arius.

Upon the resurrection of Arius, old man Sembor demanded to hear the boys full name, and as Melkor pronounced the boy to be Ariendur Grivald, the long lost prince of Darnon, the old geezer was petrified. So honoured by the chance to save the prince and maybe save the whole kingdom, the old cleric began chanting powerfull mantras for his deity Lathander, who shone his brilliant light upon the body of Arius who soon rose alive yet again but still confused by the terrible depths of faithless death. This act drained the last og Sembor, who fell on his chair, propably knowing that his deed would later change the future of the kingdom.

The fellowship was whole again, and there was no better way to bring Arius back in business than going on as usual. And so Melkor began searching the house of Four Winds, a possible site holding valuable writings which could reveal secrets that Melkor was looking for. Instead of finding a huge library, Melkor found out that the house was turned to a guard post. Luckily a man called Walther Purpletide, former apprentice of Ulverus the Sage, the master of lore who once lived in the house of Four Winds. Purpletide told Melkor that the texts he was after were carried into ancient dungons below Asbravn, shortly before Ulverus was captured and convicted for life in prison as a traitor. And so Melkor knew the next step of his quest.

Meanwhile Jared and Arius were searching for new shield for Arius to replace the pierced one. But this search soon escalated into a sidequest where they were searching for the urn of Brella Kempwoods husband. A burglar who stole the urn, called Mulk, was found in Rustys, old rundown boozer, but he escaped to the roofs, resulting in spectacular rooftop chase scene. But as always, the heroes caught the villain, and they received tons of gratitude from Brella, who even gave her husbands young dog called Hero to Arius, who promised to raise the dog to be a ferocious beast but also a loyal friend.

In search for the ancient texts
Next morning Walther showed up ready to take the reunited heroes to old waterdrill, situated near the keep of Asbravn. After dealing with two guardsmen patrolling the waterdrill, our heroes managed to ascend in to the well, and found a collapsed section of wall revealing the old dungeons. There they moved through the ruins consisting of ancient houses and streets, partially buried in rubble and soil over the long centuries. They found three old metal sheets, size of a small book, covered in strange writings. Melkor promised to study it's secrets later. They also encountered horrible carrion crawlers with their paralyizing tentacles. Business as usual, the critters were soonm slaughtered with ways untold. After the crawlers, the heroes were also encountered a rapture locust swarm, horrible creature that hypnotized and filled it's victim with euphoria as it was eaten alive by the swarm. The swarm also was utterly destroyed. And soon after the swarm, as the company reached the safe deposit of Ulverus the Sage's books, they realized that the swarm had destoyed the books.

After long minutes of searching, they were lucky to discover a metal chest holdin Ulverus's journal infused with drivel about the apocalypse soon coming because of the actions of Red Wizard Alzarseth who was in high standings in the King Osander II court in Iriaebor. In the chest there also was a small but potent book, Tome of Worldy Memory which Melkor identified to be useful whenever a knowldege about anything was needed. And then Melkor found what he was looking for, a withered book which soon deteriorated into his hands, but a important page survived, which he preserved in his pocket, not showing it's content to the others, insisting that it would play key factor with Arius and his sword.

As the merry band surfaced and moved to the Whispering Maiden, their thoughts were set into the Sunset Mountains, the next waypoint on their incredible adventures, where Arius's sword would find it's true powers. But what secrets Melkor kept hidden from the others...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Universal Truths that our Heroes obey

Here's a link to a list of all Dungeons & Dragons 3.x edition products that our valiant players use.
These books are the secret of Melkor's magnificient magic!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chapter Four: Back to Darnon, brothers partisans!

Session was held 7th of August 2010 at the Altar of Games

Our heroes, Arius the half-elf prince, Melkor the wizard who masters the lore of lore itself, Douglas Wenham the cunning thief of awesome dexterity and Jared West the heathen priest of Lathander, were finally on something big. Hermit monk called Alvar had thanked them from their service with a map describing an ancient mining village deep in the Reaching Woods. Village was called Sparklestoneand it was supposed to be full of valuable jewels, according to the legends and writings of Alvar monasterys brotherhood.

Destined to follow the hermits squirrelskin map of a cryptic cipher our brave heroes returned to Scornubel to refresh their rations and sharpen their blades of bloodshed. Melkor also did some delicate purchasing to supply his material components required in casting of his omnipotent magic and spend two days and nights locked in his chamber at the Tallabor Inn scribing spells to his spellbook whilst the others of the party drank the rest of the money they had in the Jumping Jugs-tavern.

Poor as hell with a morbid hangover, our incredible posse mounted on their powerfull steeds and rode like thunder until they reached the Reaching. Impassable while mounted, they continued by walking their horses, encouraged by the fact that they were invisible to the evil eyes on the road. But suddenly the forest grew dark and faster than one judges a witch to the pyre, all evil was upon them. Something gigantic grew in front of them, a shape of a monster huge in size, roaring "Huu-Moor"! Could it be, the ghost or spirit of Urgallox, the owlbear menace they killed couple of levels ago. But as fast as it came, it was gone. Only a laughing, hawk-nosed and goateed little geezer walk forth from the bushes, grinning familiarly and saying that the legendary beast sends it regards from the Nine-Hells. It was Petreskobal, the scamming imp. It had came behalf of an entity which name described in mortal tongues would be something like Gor´Marrak the Eater of Nations. The Imp questioned Jared with a riddle, "what hangs from the branch but gives no harvest". Succesfully answering "hanged man" Jared saved his soul for couple years maybe, as Petreskobal said that the Eater of Nations was bit hard to restrain, then swerving away to the bushes. Puzzled by the recent turn his life has taken, Jared and the others decided to research this matter later in town or city of somesort, but now it was for the mine tunnels!

As they proceed closer and closer to the village, they met a little puppy. Arius bonded with the small canine instantly, and sweared to keep the small dog. The puppy proved to be useful as it led our heroes to the village they were looking for. Everything in this small village, build inside the roots and mounds of huge and ancient trees, was dead and decaying. It had to been laying deserted for years. But before our adventurers got to get comfortable, they were surrounded by the living dead! These small, gnome-size zombies dragged their feet slowly towards our magnificent party, which did not panic, but waited for perfect moment to strike themself free from the ever-thightening noose of the little undead. But as Douglas thrusted his rapier in an opening in ones face, they all were terrifyed by the shriek it released. Then all the other "zombies" rushed to help the wounded one, and it was soon clear that what the heroes had witnessed was a not-so-cunning hoax. Gnome elder, called Belfor Shimmering, swiped the make up from his face and excused the mess.

The Gnomes explained that they had lived hidden, surviving on berries, roots and fungi, for past 150 years, all long from when the Great Black Spinner had laid its web on the old mine. Only Fozla Marnig, old and only surviving miner, could remember something from the tunnels, and he was badly demented. After questioning the gramps they had little knowledge of the tunnels, but they got some weird power-mushrooms, clearly highly toxic and propably lethal, but recommended by the old gnome. Later on they managed to convince Belfor to give a ancient masterkey-coder, crafted by Carl Glittergod (gnomish head-deity)himself, to our heroes. Belfor insisted that they would close every door and seal behind them to keep the evil away, and that they had to discover another way out, as it would be clearly too dangerous for the withered village if the team would return the same way.

Early in the next morning the expedition begun to ascend to the mines. After Belfor had closed the main gate, they were on their own. Soon they had their minds full of ciphers as every now and then their journey halted on a finely crafted door, which was accessable only by cracking the code carved on it with the master-key coder. On the left you can gaze three of the puzzles. After the first one our brilliant party arrived to a maintance hall where all the gnome mining-gear was repaired and made in times now forgotten. Abandoned hall proved little in revenue and they continued a stairs up from the two possible headings. There they cracked yet again one of the magic doors and step in to the hall of degeneration. Once maybe the hall of crowns, the space was filled with litter and moss. Here and there was little huts, made mainly from litter and rotting feces. Creatures inhabiting these wretched piles were lower in height than the gnomes up there, horribly deformed by years of terrible inbreeding. These once goblinoids in race regarded our adventures as gods, as they opened the ancient portals to the netherworld. Well, actually they stepped in from a plain door but these little mongers gazed on them with awe and wonder never seen before. This event would have been curious in nature, but the fat leader of these puny creeps arrived from it's "mansion" accompanied by the shaman of the tribe. This skinny aberration was possibly the most horrible of them all, and it had covered itself with feces and dead fetuses. It began to tell a tale with it's guttural, piping imitation of a voice, showing old cavepaintings that looked like splashes of essential fluids. Paintings told a tale how these gods would arrive from the portals, but instead of saving the tribe, the tribe was depicted as eating their gods.

After noticing this small detail, Melkor needed little convincing to the others to raze this inbred tribe once and for all. After hacking and whacking, killing and slashing dozens of these mongering abhorrences, our heroes had slayed women and children alike, if those bit smaller ones could be described as such. Douglas managed to recover the dead chiefs sword, a rapier of expert craftmanship. It was most likely a ancient heirloom and token stolen from some unfortunate traveller ages ago, before the tribe was caught in its horrid hall. Behind the chiefs hut they discovered a coded door. After long and exhausting period of deep thinking they managed to break it's secrets and step in to the treasure hall. Unfortunate for our posse, the hall had crumbled into a vast opening, called abyss in the underdark terms, which expanded hundreds of feets into the darkness, up and down and straight ahead. Only dim green lights could be seen somewhere very far from the ledge they were standing.

This forced our heroes to reverse back to the maintance hall and choose the another way. It lead their way through series of mining tunnels, all empty from riches. But then suddenly they saw a wall of web. Breaking through this curiosity they stepped into a web filled tunnels, and experienced a fierce attack from strange spiderfolk called chitine. Defeating these monsters they pursued one escaping, and arrived to the same abyss they saw earlier. But this time a narrow bridge made of webbing expanded over it, to the green dim lights. They decided to cross the bridge, and while dodging few missiles they arrived to a strange city made of hardened web. Here and there where lying dead chitines, fact that astonished our team of virtue. They proceed upwards on this nearly vertical city, and heard ever growing chanting "LO". Soon they where on the top of the empty city, climbing up a bridge to a round hall made of the same webbing. There they witnessed terrible ritual involving dozens of chitines, whirling smoke pillar and a white man-spider size of a horse. The situation soon worsened into slaughter, involving three drows who steped forth behind the curtain. Soon our heroes were pursuing a escaping female drow cleric, as the webbing hall had turn into a pyre. They soon quit the futile chase, as they saw an opening over them, a change to get above grounds.
After long period of terrible climbing all of them were safely above the hell hole. Even Melkor whose hideous climbing turned into a slapstick comedy from time to time. Quickly they returned back to their horses, and told the gnomes what was hiding in their tunnels. These big eyed herbgatherers were facinated but decided not to plunder into the mine, it was past for them. Belfor adviced them to go to Foresthouse, a Inn held by Tremeld Sinivihta, quality service middle of nowhere. So they headed east, and later that day spotted the inn. On the forested yard there was almost twenty men, powerfully build carrying heavy weaponry, all mounted and ready to go. One of these warrior talked to a man who obviously was Sinivihta, but the man noticed our heroes and shouted "Hold tight on your heads, time of destiny is upon us, the Skogarrim are here!" and then he mounted and rode away towards shoutheast with his men. Our group asked Tremeld who was this man, and they learned that he was Olf Redbeard, leader of the northmen called Skogarrim, highly skilled mercenaries. Tremeld also told that he had heard rumors about Kothian mercenaries arriving to Darnon from the south, they also were men of fierce reputation.
They retired to their beds, and before falling asleep Melkor calculated that their plunders from the mine were worth of 12000 gold pieces. Single most valuable item was Douglas's rapier Umbra, and it had proven to be quite potent. Now finally Melkor had the cash to pursue some goals of his own...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chapter Three: The Reaching Wood-Run Aways and other Wretches

Session was held 22th of May 2010 at the Altar of Games

As previous chapter ended in saving the damsel in distress, our heroes had an option to escort her to Scornubel, caravan city in west, behind the woods. This would provide them with a breath of freedom, as the city was independent and opposed Darnon's tyranny. Hunters warned them from a legendary trixster called Peter The Scammer, as he often cheated and robbed the careless travellers.

Journey begun, and according to Melkor, Scornubel would be a day ahead, but their pace was hindered by uneven and foresty terrain, as they decided to stay away from the marked path. The road could prove fatal to travel as it's patrolled by Kings men and hostile mercenaries. Choosing the wilderness turned to be a great choice, until they met the creep that the hunters were talking about. Peter The Scammer, disguised as a poor elven traveller, tested their nerves with unending questions and requests, and continued this annoyance so far that our merry band almost ended slaughtering his puny soul. It turned out that the Scammer was an imp or other devilish creature, which in exchange for it's existence told our heroes its True name, Petreskobal, and how to summon it every 13th day to answer for a question or two.

Finally the got out of the forest, only to be paused by a streaming river. A ferryboat was at the crossing, but bad luck followed as they noticed the ferry was just seized by a band of bandits. This evil-doers indentified themself as the Toughest Gang of the Western World. After a quick negotiation with sword and projectiles, there were none left from the band to tell how tough they really were.
After the river one could almost see the low stonewalls of Scornubel. After reporting to the Red Shields, local army and guard, they headed for a tavern, and found a suitable table from one called Jumping Jugs. There Irene thanked our heroes and wished them well, hoping for meeting 'em again in the future. Next morning the fellowship ventrued to a bazaar known as Vineyard where they soon learned that the city was monopolized by faction called U.M, United Merchants. But many corners and posts were covered with pamflets and notes telling to put end on corruption, Red Shields to shape up and the UM for the final judgement. Not long did they shop in the bazaar when man called Mordiggian met them and asked the travellers a favor in the name of the UM.

Blink of an eye later our candid heroes were riding north, couple of hours on horseback away from the city, ready to slay a wicked mephistophelian once known as Algorthon hiding in the old ruins of the Pedestritian Monastery, which once lied at the riverbank. Soon they reached their destination and begun to purge the once holy site from it's demonic inhabitants. Little did they know that they were the ones who almost got purged. In the upper chambers of half-collapsed ruins they met a creature later identified as a runehound. This vile aberration almost delivered death for our merry band, but by wits and dexterity they managed to fend off the beast. Ventruing futher inside, they plundered upon a hatch down to the basement, and finally found the evil warlock from the old coal chamber of the monastery. Algorthon proved to be a skinny old monk called Alvar, who was responsible of all the fliers and posters in the city mocking the UM. Alvar managed to negotiate with our heroes so that the heroes would slew couple of ghouls haunting futher down in the monastery catacombs, and bring one of those as the corpse of Alvar back to Mordiggian, and later return to the monastery and blow it to bits, as the runehound no longer guards the groundfloor chambers.
Our heroes agreed with the crazed monk, and returned to Scornubel, carrying the mangled corpse of a ghoul with them, to meet Mordiggian at the Riverbank of the Desperate. Old crook took the bait and "promised" that they would not be harmed as long as they would stay in Scornubel. Without granting any futher reward, the adventurers were furious but followed Alvars plan, and bought a keg-of-fire magic from man called Mahmut Al-Zabred at the bazaar. Later that day they blew the Pedestritian monastery to crumbles, and Melkor was convinced from the kegs that the calimshite-caravaneer had sold them. Alvar was everpleased and promised to keep fighting against the UM, United Murderers as he told what the shortening really ment. The monk also preached of a reward, but while gazing the smoldering ruins, Melkor had doubts that would they ever gather any decent loot...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Chapter Two: Refugees at the Court of the Hunters

Session was held 3rd of april 2010 at the Altar of Games

As guests in the camp of the hunters, Melkor promised for Constantin Almert, the sole leader of the merry hunter band, that they would perform suitable favor for the nuisance that they are. Before that they would however journey eastwards, to inn of Haphark Middleroad, to stock up rations and equip themselves with better equipment. After that they would do what mister Almert wishes.

During their voyage to Middleroads Inn they met women called Irene. She was travelling to Scornubel, independent caravan city behind the Reaching Woods. Reason of her journey was her harsh treatment in the city of Hluthvar, where reign the right hand of Lord Protector Mornburg of Asbravn, Captain Irongrave, cruel man in high status in the cult of the Bitter Lord. Our fellowship were sympathized by her. The treck continued, and at last the met mister Middleroad, who was happy to share what he had, as long as our heroes would do a little booze salvaging for him.

And off we go, the good guys left to place called Trallvik Farm, abandoned estate south from Middleroads. There they witnessed the horrors of plunder and decay, as the whole farm had withered to rubble. Nevertheless, they managed to dig up some nasty kobolds, little dog-lizards vicious as hell. After slaying these poor little critters they found the spiced moonshine that Middleroad was asking for and returned to the inn, and did they triumph!

After returning to the hunters camp they participated in a boar hunt, event that nearly cost someones life. Upon returning back to the camp they were suprised by few riders who had discovered the campsite, bloodhounds of the king. Battle was victorious, but it cost the life of the third hunter, Hulford Bronzevest, and in addition one of the mercenary riders managed to escape, and thus ruin their hidden status.

Camp had to be moved, and luckily mister Almert knew old lean-to near, and they moved to its positions, southwest from the orginal camp. During this movement they saved the life of Irene, women they had met couple of days ago. She was attacked by the most horrific monster in the woods, Urgallox, gigantic owlbear of abyssian aspect. And did they triumph! Closely, but they did!

Chapter One: Sudden departures & unexpected futures

Session was held 27th february 2010 at the altar of games.

Young Arius was running errands for Melkor across the capital city Iriaebor. It was eighth of May, 1372 Dr and the weather breezed of the upcoming summer. Arius was at the central marketplace of the city when all hell broke loose. A pack of Skull Riders rode and surrounded the poor apprentice, who had no glue what was happening. A moment later he realized that he was locked up in a prison cell somewhere in the deep dungeons beneath Iriaebor.

Arius spent days untold in his underground prison, occasionally talking with another man who was imprisoned in the same cell. That man was called Jared and he was a cleric of god Lathander, put behind the bars because of his beliefs in false gods. As desperation grew, Arius heard a sound. He was terrifyed by the thought of jailkeeper Two-Tongue and his cruel flesh-eating whip but then he saw his master, Melkor behind the cell door, searching for proper key from a key ring. Melkor freed Arius who took his inmate-buddy Jared with him. Melkor was not alone, he was accompanied by a dexterous thief called Douglas. All four of them escaped from the dungeons thanks to Melkors unmanly wits, though they had to maim the crooked jailkeeper Two-Tongue unconscious.

They caught their breath at the Copperhorn Inn, where Melkor had bought a room with a pseudonym Kolmer, only to don Arius with studden leather armor and eguip him with a sharp short sword. There Melkor told him that his destiny as prince of Darnon was true, and next they would obtain the sword called Ilbrandir from the tomb of Arius's mother. The sword was a legendary heirloom of her family, ancient craftmanship and ever-sharp, and would determine whether or not Arius truly was the son of the queen. After this they would escape the city and ride northwest, through the village of Borhus all a way until the Crossing of Hastur, from where they would head to the Reaching Woods and find a hunters camp where Melkor had a safe contact.

Thanks to Melkors carefully crafted plans, the trip to the elder catacombs of Iriaebor was a job well done. They met man called Krishnar, a n apprentice of necromantic school, slew him and his undead minions brutally by smashing the wizards face with Melkors trusted staff. Soon they found the tomb they were searching for and opened it without hesitations, only to discover the sword of legacy, the elven mother of Arius, still untouched by time or disease, and with her a swaddled piglet. According to Melkor it was obvious that she was murdered eighteen years ago, thus her unchanged appearance as she still holds grudge for her slayer. Also the fake baby prince was a proof that Arius, or Ariendur as his full royal name goes, was to inherit the kingdom.

Escape from the capital city was a grand succee, as they rode like the wind through the green fields of the countryside. Clerk known as Jehtro Hykel provided them rations for free, as long as they would pay back someday. Gasping the air through their teeth there, an artist immortalized them, starting from the left, Melkor and Arius, Douglas on the back and Jared leaning from the right.

They rode across the crossing to the safety of the vast forest. There they met the hunters Constantin Almert, Viril Massar and Hulford Bronzevest. They were safe for now, but Arius, Jared and Douglas too had alot to question from Melkor about the past few days. Melkor turned most of the questions down, only to inform that they would prepare themselves as soon as possible against the possible pursuers. Arius finally realized how terrible was the actual state of his woeful kingdom.
Arius had no glue how bad the things really were..

Monday, August 16, 2010


Once upon a time in the kingdom of Darnon...
Darnon is a small kingdom somewhere in Western Heartlands, between the Reaching Woods and Sunset Mountains, in the vast continent called Faerun, from the D&D campaign Forgotten Realms.

Until recent more turbulent times, Darnon was a quiet feudal kingdom ruled by long lineage of kings hailing from the royal family tree of Grivald. Something changed drastically almost twenty years ago, when King Osander II Grivald had his firstborn son with the beautiful Queen Aeliathe. The king and whole people of Darnon celebrated the new prince, but sorrow struck soon, as the son and queen caucght terrible disease which claimed them both.

King Osander was devastated and ordered that the grieving would last for an year, at least. But the grief of the lost Queen and young prince soon changed to grieving at general, as the morbidminded king slowly succumbed in the ways of terror and bloodshed. Heavy taxes were pulled for the poor people of Darnon, who endured, but only slightly. Years of tormenting shook the whole foundations of the kingdom, as all other gods were pronounced heathens except the Bitter Lord, who had much in common with the poor king. People of Darnon were horrified by the Mace of the Bitter Lord, riders from Order Of the Black Cliff, soon to be called Skull Riders by the missfortunate people..

All this time a young boy grew up to be a man, as an apprentice of a scholarly old man called Melkor. This boy, called Arius took care of Melkor's daily bussiness, and lived relatively happy yet simple life during these years of oppression. This all came to an sudden end, as one day, only couple days before Arius would turn eighteen, Melkor asked him would it be hillarius if Arius would turn to be the long lost prince, and future king of kingdom of Darnon.. Little did Melkor know what destinies this bit boozed out question would bring on them...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Beginning and Introduction

This blog is my try as a Dungeon Master to keep track of our Dungeons & Dragons 3.X campaign. We started with this team approx. at the start of the decade, so we are just starting out with these heroes. I 'm going to summarise the last events of our adventures in following posts.
The Team consists of four players plus the DM (me):

Arius - played by Sir William
Melkor - played by Emperor Masamund
Jared - played by Count Oscar
Douglas - played by King Jannek The New Guy

And everything else, usually malicious in nature - Lord Protector Jakubias The DM