After the unleashing of sword Ilbrandir's true legacy powers, Arius, Douglas, Jared and Karaz the dwarf climbed down the long ladders that went from the Witchkings workroom to the mountain top. Finally they ascended back to the workroom where Melkor was waiting for them. The old sage looked troubled but he congratulated young Arius from gaining the swords true power, but after the formalities the wizard stepped up and revealed what he had learned from the mind projection of the Witchking.
Melkor the loremaster told the others that they would soon leave for Berdusk, a free city southwest from here, near the bulwark borderlands of Darnon. They decided to leave at once but Karaz the old dwarven friend of Melkor told them that he would stay in Asbravn for a while, maybe doing some money as a smith. But their return to the plains was put in halt instantly after leaving the Witchkings tower. Sharply croaking winged creature plummeted downwards shrieking how the heroes would "pay for their meddlings" throwing sharp and fiery spikes from itself. And as our heroes prepared to battle against this flying devil, crackling sound behind them bringed forth unexpected doom. Three gargoyles which
were waiting over the towers giant doorway charged on our heroes backs, slaying the unfortunate Douglas outright (the DM once again threw a instant death, 20+20+success), ripping away the poor rogue's ribs, thus exposing cavities that Melkor didn't even know to exists. Rest of our heroes fought hard against these stony creatures, and finally won the expectionally violent combat.

They found that the gargoyles carried strange amulets bearing a unknown wizards personal symbol. Melkor was unable to identify who was the mage and they forgot the matter as they began to mourn their fallen comrade. In the mids of their grief, Jared had a insight from his god Lathander that there was a way to bring back Douglas, altought he would never be a same man again. They buried Douglas under heavy stones, but took few pieces of his remains and his personal belongings with them, in order to carry out Lathanders plan.
To repair the unrepairable
After two days of unbearable hiking, they were back at the gates of Asbravn. The gatewatch did not suspect them as they were too busy in catching a halfling murderer and thus checking under every cloak and skirt. Jared pronounced that he needed several rare oils and unguents in order to bring back Douglas, and so they decided to ventrue to the house of old cleric Sembor who gave his life in bringing back Arius just few weeks ago. And yes, they smelled the few weeks when they arrived to the clerics house. Horrid stench of decay lurked in the basement where they left the cleric, and now Jared had to ascend to the holy man's final rest and search for the ingredients. Our beloved priest succeed and cast
the spell of Reincarnate granted by Lathander as his domain spell. Under a carefully set linen the oils and remains of Douglas started to realign and after an hour of transformation, a new man rose from the floor, threw away the cloth and behold! He looked nothing like Douglas anymore!

After recovering from the initial shock caused by the new form of Douglas, the others explained it all to the poor reincarnate. Douglas was shakened at least but proved to be a good sport by gathering his things and they were on the move again! After re-equipping themselves with ranged projectiles amongst all the other things, Karaz the dwarf wished them farewell as they rode out of the city in order to plunge into the southwestern parts of their beloved realm in peril.
Their stride through the lush plains of Darnon went well, but eventually the adventure came forth to our magnificient four. A man, venerable in age, walk towards them, crying his eyes out, his mouth covered in dry blood. It soon became apparent that the tongue of the poor geezer was cut off, so all he could say was plain mutter. Melkor demanded him to calm down and gave to him a inkpen and a piece of parchment. The senior, named Oldaar wrote how group of men, propably a cult of some sort that he could not define (mainly because he was from west, passing through the kingdom) had kidnapped his granddaugher Brennia and headed south. The heroes were convinced, there was a damsel in distress!
Damsel in distress!
They rode against the night, stopping only to ask guidance from few locals. Eventually they managed to track down the slavering party to a group of old buildings, propably a farmstead nearing the state of crumbling. There those villanous captors celebrated around two large campfires, few of them set in guard around the buildings. By their keen eyes they spotted five guards carrying long spears, falchions on their belt and sporting long, groomed mustaches. Melkor identified these men as Kothian Mercenaries. There was also two knights in company of a old cleric, propably the leader of the gang. The knights were most likely Initiates of the Order of the Black Cliff. Our master deceivers crafted a battleplan where Melkor and Arius would stay in the cover of darkness while Jared and Douglas would march into the camp disguising themselves as travellers. Gramps Oldaar and Hero the Dog would stay guarding the horses mile or so away.
Everything thing went according the plan, and our proud "travellers" managed to arouse the campers so, that they exposed their true agendas as northern sect of the Church of the Bitter Lord, advancing towards Iriaebor while harvesting fresh "ceremonial vessels" as they called their young captives. As swords were drawn and spears thrust, Melkor the Battlemage summoned a vicious ice storm on their enemies, leaving their enemies crippled and frozen. The battle ensued, and the cult followers received reinforcements as two more initiates rode to battle, but all that was in vain as our heroes once again triumphed over their enemies. One of the Kothians managed to slay three of the captives but the others were saved, including Oldaars granddaughter Brennia. One of the ex-captives was called Cidela Pepperpath, maybe young in age but proven as a warrior. The other were a young man, almost a boy and a farmgirl from Asbravn.
Oldaar thanked the heroes, and everyone was touched by the reunion of the gramps and his granddaughter. Meanwhile, Jared was forced to heal one of the seriously wounded Kothians as he begged for mercy and redemption. Nothing is better for a servant of Lathander than saving a evil soul back to the good side, it beats even killing the bad guys! The rescued young man told his name to be Lot, he was a squire looking for a new master to serve, and even though Arius was just barely older than him, the boy asked for to be a squire for him. Arius eventually agreed and Lot told that when Arius would purchase a real lance, he would be called Lance-Lot! Despite the grim setting, a spontaneous laughter echoed far and loud!
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