Monday, December 26, 2011

Chapter Fifteen - Out Of the Ruins We Rise Forever, Into the Battle We March Together

Session was held 26th of November at the Alter of Games

Setting the Standards
A week had passed from the battle of Treeward, and the news of Captain Irongrave's demised had reached Iriaebor. The rebels who survived had moved their camp temporarily deeper to the Reaching Woods, where the heroes gathered around a campfire. Since the end of the battle, Melkor who had finally came back from his travesties, had kept his distance to the others. The rumor said that the wise wizard was preparing their next bold adventure, and once again, the rumors weren't exaggerated. Once again, his visions pointed to direction that none of the heroes were able to guess, as the mad wizard told the others that they were going after the Standard of the Fallen, a legendary banner carried to battle by ancient Arakhar, the Fallen King.
One of the rebels drew the meeting around the campfire. He slightly altered
the looks of our heroes to avoid prosecutions if the rebellion would go
awry, as all the meddlers would certainly be executed.
The wizard continued revealing his plan. After they would have recovered the magic banner from the ruins of Dakhet Mar, they would gather the rebels and march to Hluthvar. Melkor ordered Dortherion to spread a word of rebellion, "as hundreds of lights surround the city, rise against your oppressors, join the rebellion!", while they would be plundering Dakher Mar. The enigmatic old man also riddled how he would also claim Asbravn during the same attack. Many were left puzzled how the wizard could perform such a feat of conquest, but after all, Melkors pompous scheme was the last hope of Free Darnon.

Soon after giving instructions to those who were left to the makeshift-camp, the steeds of destiny galloped across  the plains of northern Darnon. They rode with the classic composition. First rode prince Arius then his mentor Melkor the Mighty. Their security advisor, Douglas the Nimble, followed Melkor, and lastly came Jared the Restorer, holy man of Lathander. Two days of aggressive striding trough the lands finally bought them to the cursed ruins of Dakhet Mar. Melkor explained the ruins to be the sole remnant of a ancient kingdom that ruled the Western Heartlands more than millenia ago. The Fallen King, whose tomb they were seeking was a legendary emperor who fought with five thousand men against an eastern horde of unimaginable size. The legend says that the king died, along with most of his warriors, but the horde was unable to topple the Standard of the Fallen King. None has ever discovered the tomb, but as always, Melkor was sure that luck would be at his side.
Ancient ruins of Dakhet Mar in a gloomy light.

Circling the ruins without a clear heading, the adventurous party of heroes came across a group of tents, sheltered among ancient monoliths. One man who was left to guard the tents attacked our heroes, taking Jared as a hostage, but teh brooding situation was soon resolved and the threatener captured. he revealed that rest of his group had gone under the ruins in order to excavate something that he refused to mention. At that time, Melkors spidersenses began to tingle, and our brave explorers descented under the ruins.

Karman Fatta
The journey through narrow shafts and ancient tunnels was at least perilous, but finally they reached the bottom. There were four explorers trying to break through the floor, as our heroes entered. Their leader turned out to be Karman Fatta, a mercenary (and highly successful according to his own words) who had insulted our braves over a year ago. It was only a matter of a little spark, that fueled their meeting into a  open clash, where, of course our heroes triumphed. Fatta was left alive and he swore to aid Free Darnon to enroll and train more soldiers. After dealing with the mercenary king, our heroes were able to delve deeper. Fatta had been able to ventrue to the doorsteps of the tomb of the Fallen King, and soon our heroes found themselves inside the tomb.

It was nothing like an ordinary crypt of the dead, nor catacomb. The tomb was immense set of traps that had been waiting for centuries to taste the blood of foolhardy graverobbers. It was Douglas's time in the limelight, as he cleared trap after another without being pierced, crushed, cut, incinerated, vaporized or disintergrated! They defeated waves of skeletons, horrid construct that bolted a mayhem of blades towards them and finally they were able to penetrate in to the inner sanctum where lied the remains of the Fallen King. And this time literally, as they had to break in through the floor, as the "x marked the spot".

What they witnessed as they descended into the inner crypt, was a huge cylinderical shaft in front of the sarcophagus of King Arakhar. In the middle of the shaft, several feets below the floor-level was the Standard of the Fallen, it's banner carefully bound. Melkor warned that without his order, the banner would not be unbound. But before they were able to claim the standard, the Fallen King released his one last trap, as three Helmed Horrors assaulted them. The ancient constructs were not the ordinary type, as they re-animated again and again, even tough our heroes continued to strike 'em down. It was Melkor who perceived to lift the lid of the sarcophagus, and he managed to pry it open all by himself! And thus they saw the gloomy lights in the eye sockets of the once mighty emperor, and by sundering it's head, they were able to defeat the helmed horrors for good. Without further ado, our heroic plunderers proceed to cash the check, as Douglas was magically transported into the center of the shaft to reclaim the standard. Once again they faced a menacing trap, but by Melkor's astonishing magics, Douglas was released in no time.

The Battle of Two Cities
Our fearless tombdelvers set their course back to the makeshift camp of rebels. Two days later, at nightfall, they reached the remnants of Free Darnon. While they had been away, hundreds of volunteers had joined the ranks of the rebellion, and reinforcements poured in at constant rate. People at the camp were preparing for the march that might turn out to be their last, but they were ready. Rarely has the people united so strongly against their rulers, and as the flame of justice burned in their hearts, our heroes joined the brave people, and began their march for freedom. From Hluthvar to Asbravn, and finally to Iriaebor, they followed prince Ariendur in his quest to take the throne from cruel tyrant Osander II.

As the army of the oppressed reached the walls of Hluthvar, hundreds of torches were lid. by this sign, Hluthvarians knew that they were to stand against the city guard. Weakened by the defeat at the Battle of Treeward, troops garrisoned in the city were smashed quickly, and contrary to their own king, those pledging for their lives were left alive. Melkor led his friends to the Keep of Hluthvar, where they had to wedge their way through the Iron Wall, elite soldiers clad in full plate. But near the hall of the Lord Protector Mornburg, they ran into regiment of soldiers. There a young noble with a shining armor of polished steel stepped forward to address our braves. Turned out that the young noble was prince Saldor, son of Osander II Grivald.
Prince Saldor in one of his promo potraits, quite a champ.
 He urged the heroes to route their troops out of Hluthvar, but before any further diplomacy was introduced, a beast that had broken loose from the dungeons attacked the regiment and our brave champions. Why there was a demon bound into the dungeons, no one knows, but soon that malevolent outsider was banished for good. Prince Saldor was captured and given to the angry mob, and our liberators followed Lord Protector Mornburg, who had escaped during the turmoil.

They found out that in his hall, behind his grand seat, was hidden a room with a surprise. There was only a strange looking mirror in the that tiny little room. Melkor identified the mirror as the rippler of Soldengraad, strange device of teleportation. In stressful situations, one has to make quick callings, and before they knew, Melkor pushed everyone into the mirror. Unlike Melkor has expected (he thought that the rippler was connected to Asbravn), our trans-dimensional travelers found themselves from the middle of a desert. All that they could see was landscape desiccated into scales. There was no sun, but still they felt the heat and light of direct sunlight, nor was there night. Only clear blue sky, scorched landscape and sun. But in the distant horizon they saw a glimpse of light. They took it as a benchmark and began walking towards it. As they finally  were reaching it, it disappeared and emerged directly behind them. Puzzled from the strange dimension that had captured them, they yet again followed the light, and it vanished. Melkor began to suspect that they were somehow trapped inside the mirror. They repeated this journey of theirs many times, until Melkor had enough and summoned Petreskobal, an imp that they were able to bind with it's true name.

Fearful creature advised them to keep on the direction, even tough the light disappeared. The hint proved to be successful as they pushed on and found a small red book, partially buried in sand. As they opened the book, all they saw was deep space. Suddenly the sky began to change, and the same infinite space surrounded them with it's distant suns and immense galaxies. And before them rose a figure of colossal size. The figure belonged to a mage with ultimate power, and as Melkor identified him as Alzarseth, the mage spoke to our little adventurers. "You chose to seek the power I wield, and thus you chose your own destruction" And with these words he changed into a gargantuan purple worm that attacked our  planar-braves. Luckily to our heroes, they had slain worms before, so killing the worm was plausible. The battle was grievous, but once again the ones whom we cheer proved to be victors.

But as the worm died, the surrounding space began to twist, spiraling towards it's toothy yet dead maw. It soon escalated, and our wormkillers struggled against a void that was sucking the whole dimension in it, but at some point, everyone has to bend, and one after another, the void engulfed them..

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chapter Fourteen - Misery & Sorrow at the Black Gates of Mor Shathûr

Session was held 9th - 11th of September at the Gustav's Hideout

Black Tower of Mor Shathûr
The sun rose as a grey behemoth as our heroes were penetrating deeper in to the Pass of the Setting Sun. It was first of december and a rain of hail was covering the black earth. Jared who had greeted the sunrise for his divine spells introduced the heroes to two local shepherds called Gudard and Blabbermouth-Benj. They told about the menace at the dark tower, how it was held by savage tribe of orcs called Gujat Kragor, the Long Tusks. These vile humanoids had tormented the pass since their rise to power, hampering the traffic at the pass to zero and reducing the land available for pasture to a quarter. Thus the shepherds agreed to help the Hope of Darnon, and showed a secret passage to the tower, once used by lusty monks of Deneir, as the main gate to the pass was overrun by the orcish horde.
Scruffy depict of Mor Shathûr.
It was made in haste as the danger was imminent.

When the night embraced the lands, our brave assailants proceeded to the secret entrance. The peasants returned to their herds, awestruck by magics performed by Jared who opened the large stone door blocking the secret passage with a single spell. Ancient tunnel led the party to a small meeting room, where a riddle of seven sins puzzled our heroes for a while. They passed it eventually and proceed onwards, eventually entering a guardsroom filled with orcs. Then began the violent bloodshed once again, and a sudden rush of death soon claimed the whole tower. The orcs of Gujat Kragor were fierce creatures of great might, as it were rumored that they mated with the ferociest of  mountain boars, at least if one's to believe the shepherds. Nevertheless, no orc proved to be mighty enough to resist the final punishment delivered by our glorious rampagers, and level after level were purified of the green menace.

From window slits of the higher levels of the tower our roughnecks saw that an another battle had ensued in the pass that the tower guarded. Unknown force of horseriders had attacked the orc camp, and the greenskins were getting beaten at the outside as well as inside of the dark tower of Mor Shathûr. Soon our heroes reached the top and encountered the horrendous leader of the tribe. "BIG MUTHAFUCKA", as it called itself, was propably the biggest orc one has ever seen, and its huge greatclub pounded Arius again and again. The struggle against the green giant was excruciating, but no orc were to spoil the great destiny that awaited our brilliant goodies and as the humongous bulk of the half-boar/giant/orc slumped down the staircase, they knew they were victors once again.

The Long Tusks also suffered a defeat outside the tower, and our braves met the horseriders. Their leader identified himself as Dortherion, a captain of one hundred riders from far north. They had rode in the name of Lord Alexander of the House Teudor, the ruler of the free city of Rhaum. Dortherion explained that Ariendurs mentor, Melkor the Wise had send a message to his Lord Alexander, and requested aid for the struggle of free Darnon. Thus the riders began their journey south, and luckily they found the heroes here. The riders of Rhaum also had company from another ally of Melkor, Balthor the Bothered, his old associate in magic and wizardy.

With these new allies, our brave champions of justice began their journey back to Treeward, the sanctum of refugees and rebels. Once there, Dortherion promised to begin training in martial arts for the commoners that are willing. Three war-smiths that had rode with him from the north also promised to teach the arts of weapon&armorsmithing for the village smiths, to increase the quality of equipment in the use of the rebellion. It should be noted that Treeward was constantly growing, as the need for change in Darnon grew everyday stronger and stronger. The village had allured several powerful figures to join, such as cleric Thendous Grayish, who shared spiritual guidance for the rebels. Man called Ralhold Silvermace had been selected to act as a village elder while the heroes were absent. Also, familiar barbarian, Baltrus the Hot-head joined the ranks of rebellion, chanelling his temper against the oppressors.

Howl in the Dark

 Just a ten-day later, important guest arrived to Treeward. Thul Gilial was a scout from the elven kingdom of Evereska. His mission was to observe the kingdom of Darnon and areas near it, and now he came to warn the heroes from the terror that had arisen from the Sunset Mountains. Apparently, the death of the leader of Gujat Kragor had enraged the orcs. Thus the greenskins let loose a mighty beast known as Guulvorg. Thul Gilial urged the adventurers to slay the monstosity with haste, as it would certainly rend apart the unprotected villages east from Hluthvar.

And so the went, once again, and few days later, only some miles east from Hluthvar, the monster slayers arrived to small village of The Valley of Hluth. The night had settled and our braves witnessed terrible carnage, as several of the small villagehuts had  been torn apart, and dismembered corpses of the villagers lied scattered. Then a great howl broke the silence, and the giant beast attacked. Crossbreed of a worg and a dire wolf, the proportions of the huge wolf were unnatural. Nevertheless, if it bleeds, it can be killed, and so did our brave justifiers that they stroke down the vile abominations that the orcs had released for revenge, and the outskirts of Hluthvar had been saved.

Operation Leverage
Two weeks later, the heroes attended to a new affair that was mainly designed by Dortherion. They were to rob the armoury of Hluthvar, as the rebellion desperately needed more equipment and gold to fund itself. The strike was intended to be timed into the new years celebrations, as the city was less populated by the brothers of the Black Cliff, as the Cult of the Bitter Lord had a grande ceremony in Iriaebor. They were to use secret smuggling tunnels that ran under the city with the aid of freedom fighter-agents deployed earlier.

As the night of the New Year came, the Operation Leverage begun with a bang. Our heroes, Arius in front, smashed in to the well fortified armoury, cleaving down any resistance. Only true opposition they encountered was a commanding Brother of the Black Cliff, Captain Wormwood and his Defenders of the Iron Wall elite soldiers, who had grouped in to defensive positions at an arms vault. Nevertheless, their full plate armors and tower shields were opened like a tin cans, as our brave raiders pryed themselves through.
As the weapon-vault was secured, the aiding rebels begun to carry the arms out of the vault, to the smuggling tunnels, as the heroes focused their attention into solving a key-puzzle of a door that would lead into the inner-vault. Eventually the puzzle-mechanics were outsmarted, and our justified looters hit a motherlode, as the inner vault encased three chests of gold, one shiny magical mithral chainshirt and a peculiar item that resembled a deck of cards.

As they were carrying the chests out of the vault, sounds of battle ensued from the upper level, and the crude elevator to the vaults came crushing down. The party had to climb up via small staircase that were only accessible from the vault, and they found that the operation had been compromised. Dortherion and his men had barely fend off city guards who had tried to seize back the armoury. Thus the party and the leftover rebels dashed out of the armoury, rushing through the city alleys towards the entrance of the smuggling tunnels. Altough the route was short, many fell to the spears and swords of the pursuers. They had to force a  cave in at the tunnels entrance in order to escape, but the danger was far from over. Trapped into the dark tunnels, they began navigating hastily towards the exit outside the city. Then something went wrong. A creature attacked from a dark side tunnel, striking Douglas unconscious. Trapped in the cramped tunnels, Arius struggled to drive away the shadowy attacker, but before they managed to take a breather, they noticed that Douglas was missing, someone or something had dragged him to the numerous sidetunnels..

Sorrow at the Staggering Elk
As the shorthanded heroes finally entrenched themselves from the tunnels that might have proven to be one's doom, they proceed the the Tavern of the Staggering Elk that was located at the outskirts of Hltuhvar. In the case that something would go wrong during the armoury assault, they were to regroup there.
Douglas was still missing, and even though the operation achieved it's goal in gaining resources, many brave lives were lost. As the grand schemer and master executer of the operation, Dortherion took the losses heavily. Constantin Almert, who had supervised the transfer of the loot from the armoury to the tunnels, grieved after his long time hunting partner, Viril Massar, who was lost at the streets and alleys of Hluthvar.

Three days later, the main group of the participants at the armoury, left Staggering Elk. Lead by Dortherion, they headed back to Treeward, as our heroes were to stay and search for Douglas one last time. One might call it destiny, but a mule cart reined by old lady called Mirmos Sliver arrived to the yard of the Staggering Elk. The old lady asked from innkeeper Guysses the Sembian for a pitcher of water, as she was accompanied by two men in poor health. By whim, Jared paid heed to the conversation between the Innkeeper and the old lady, and he followed her back to her cart. There lied Douglas, looking gaunt, covered in filth. As the thief lingered between life and death, Jared used his divine powers, and restored the vitality back to the weathered rogue.

Luckily, Douglas managed to escape.
 As he was revived, Douglas told the others how he had woke up in a torture chamber. The torturer had asked him questions about the rebellion, but he had resisted the attemps, and eventually managed to break free and slay the man. After this he had escaped with another prisoner called Valvar. They had crawled through a narrow duct, full of sewage and contagious diseases. That explains his poor condition when Jared found him, and why Valvar had lost his life. Without the old lady Sliver, whom is to be thanked for picking up the two men to her cart, both of them would be dead.

Lord of the Hill 
Month and a half later the rebellion, known also as the Free Darnon faction, had gained major foothold in the northern parts of Darnon. Still a constant menace lingered as mercenaries streamed to Darnons capital, Iriaebor. The force that camped at Iriaebors outskirts could easily crush the rebellion, but for some unknown reason no movement of that sort had been noticed, and that worried the leaders of Free Darnon the most. But they were not the only ones with worries. Dundast Greygoblet, the halfling villagechief of Corm Orp had turned to the heroes for assistance. He and his entourage of his kin were overthrown by bunch of hill giants. And now he wished to get back to his village by the hills. The adventurers could not say no to the miserable littlelord, and so they headed north, through ice and snow that now covered the once so lush plains of Darnon.

Hill giant brothers Knuffa, Tor Tor and Rummaruk had enslaved the halfling villagers, and enstablished their lair to the villages centre. As our giant-slayers spied and work on their tactics for slaying them, they noticed an increase in giants number, two giants from the Anauroch desert had came to greet their distant cousins. Our brave slayers were not boggled by this, and decided to launch their attack to liberate the villagers. It is no common secret that fighting against giants is a hazardous task to do. This our brilliant braves were to find out, as the great clubs wielded by these potent yet imbecile slavers hammered down onto them. As brutal as the clash was, the humongous intruders were beaten and their northern kin driven away. The villagers who had endured the exploit of the giants cheered and began to organize a massive celebration for their liberators. The heroes, who were exceptionally modest this time, presented the village to its chief, and returned back to Treeward, knowing that they had gained new, yet small, allies.

End Of It All
It was 8th of May, 1373DR, and our dear adventurers rode along the treeborder of Reaching Woods. Arius, Cidela, Douglas and Jared had made a trip to Scornubel where they had visited the markets and shops in order to update their equipment. At the same time they had paid a visit to Mordiggian, the boss of United Merchants, or United Murderers as some knew them. It should be noted that Mordiggians tyranny at Scornubel no longer bothers city. And so, after this succesful campaign to neighbouring free city, our jolly lot were returning home, to Treeward.

Their ennobled state of mind soon changed into concern, as one of Constantin Almerts rangers, Ralfar, rode against them. He carried a message of most tremendous importance. The base of Free Darnon and safe haven for the refugees, Treeward, was under attack! Ralfar explained that with the morning mists, few hours ago, a large army commanded by Skull Rider Overlord, Captain Irongrave, had sieged the village. Also during the night, a great magical wall was conjured to the treeborder, in order to prevent the refugees from escaping, companied by antimagical barrier that blocked Balthor from sending the heroes a message of distress. As a skillfull rider, Ralfar himself managed to slip out before the King's Army closed in, and begun the search for the heroes, as their aid was desperately needed.

They rode along with the wind, as every moment was closer to the destruction of Free Darnon. Although their ride was a noble lunge through miles, they arrived too late. The battle had commenced without them, and the rebellion was losing in every single field. The struggle had taken place in a opening in front of the village, and even though the forest gave some cover for the rebels, the vision was horrendous. The well armed professional soldiers of King Osander II hacked down  masses of inadequately equipped rebels, and as zealous as they were, they didn't stand a chance. Only the men of Rhaum, who were led by their brave captain Dortherion, managed to fight back. But they toiled in vain, as the Brothers of the Black Cliff slayed men like pigs. There are no words that can describe how those vile servants of the Bitter Lord killed and dismembered their victims that day. In the middle of the battlefield was a large wagon, from where three poles towered towards the sky. To these poles, three tortured figures were bound.

Shocked by the slaughter in front of them, our fateful heroes plunged their mounts to the ranks of the enemy, striking down every single Black Helm, Skogarrim Mercenary, Bitter Lord fanatic and Skull Rider who crossed paths with them. Their fury was only increased as they saw how Balthor The Mage was mortally shot down from the sky with a powerful arrow of the Bitter Lord, where he was pouring his fire evocations down onto his enemies.

Even though they began their chivalrous charge in the lance formation, soon only Arius was advancing towards the head of the snake, Captain Irongrave. The others were hindered on their way, thus leaving the half-elf prince to face the menace alone. Just before reaching Irongrave, a  sudden blast knocked Arius and his horse to the ground. As he forced himself up he saw how Irongrave held Dortherion from his throat, as the minions of the Skull Rider Captain stabbed Dortherion again and again. Arius threw himself against the Captain of the Black Cliff, challenging him to a duel. As gallant as he was, Arius struggled against the Hammer of Doom, a powerful warhammer that was given by the Bitter Lord himself to Irongrave, his loyal servant. Jared tried to reach Arius to aid him, as he saw the upcoming doom, but too late. A powerfull blow knocked our brave prince prone, and as Irongrave was to deliver the finishing strike, a flash of bright green light occured. The Skull Rider Captain quailed in pain, and with a terrible cry, the champion of evil fell dead on the ground. And lo, on a hills surrounding the battlefield, stood Melkor!

The Return of Melkor
As Captain Irongrave was slain, the forces of King Osander II began to shatter. Melkor had summoned celestial dire lions to his aid, and soon the army was driven back. Only the Skogarrim barbarians and the fanatics of the Bitter Lord had to be killed to the last of them, so blinded were they by their lust of blood.

Finally the battle was over. As the cold drizzle drummed faintly the armors of the ones who fell, it was obvious that only the most lucky ones survived that day.In addition to the countless who had given their lives in order to defend the Free Darnon, Melkors old friend, Batlhor, had been slain. Hot blooded half-orc barbarian Baltrus was also killed, but severly wounded Dortherion managed to see another day, as did 32 of his men. Constantin Almert lost his eye as he led his rangers agains the back ranks of the enemy. In addition to him, only four of his men survived. Constantin also found out that one of the three figures bound to the pole-wagon was his friend Viril. They had tortured him to reveal the location of Treeward, and he had most likely been alive when the battle ensued.

Not even the return of Melkor gave consolation to the ones who survived, as months of hard work, not to even mention the lives lost, came to nought. And the worst part was that sacrifices like the battle that day, were only prelude for all the grief that was yet to come in order to liberate Darnon from it's tyranny.

As the night drew it's dark curtain over the scene of sorrow, our exhausted warriors sat around a campfire to hear what Melkor had to tell for an excuse of his long absence. The Wise Wizard told a magnificent tale how he had ridden to the shore of the Sea of Swords, where he had entered the ponderous vaults of Candlekeep. He had researched for ways to use the Cube of Tybor for their advance, and he was convinced that they could supress the powers of Alzarseth, the Red Wizard, who reigned as the archmage of Iriaebor. This would grant them an great advance in the battle for the throne. Melkor also told that he had used lot's of resources in order to gain new allies for their cause, and he felt that he had been quite succesful in that. Dortherion expressed his doubt that Free Darnon would never be able to restore it's ranks, as many good men had fallen that day. But the others who had travelled with Melkor before, saw a familiar glow in the eyes of the beloved magician, and it marked for yet another foolhardy adventure!

The enigmatic mage chuckled silently, slowly smoking his pipe.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Chapter Thirteen - Why To Be Just The Hero Of The Century When One Could Be the Legend Of The Millenium!

Session was held 15th of July at the Altar of Games

Life without the Wizard

Arius fitted a traditional Berduskian noble outfit,
only to find it too tight around his belly.
It had been over two weeks when Melkor left the others for his quest of personal power and wisdom. The others had struggled across Darnon while dragging the bony corpse of Jared with them, and reached Berdusk. There a High Priestress of Lathander the Morninglord had resurrected Jared in exchange of bringing back the Font of the Rising Sun aka the bowl. But before their first quest without the brain, Arius had to perform the second ritual of his legacy sword. Whilst Arius was rubbing coal and mercury to his fine blade, the others auditioned and hired a free-writer to keep track on their adventures and later on, to write up a complete biography in order to make some serious amounts of gold.

This responsible yet profitable task was assigned to certain Kaius Sapphirequill (yours truly) and he began his tremendous work by listening the complete story so far, told by the rest while Arius was wanking some enchantment on his sword.

As Arius completed his ritual, everyone were ready to began their journey to the Purgatory, burned down village some miles west from Iriaebor. There were rumored to be a man called Syrralt, ex-priest and traitor of Lathander who had stolen the Bowl for his own dark deeds. The heroes were to capture and bring justice on him, and to return the bowl to it's righfull owners. As Melkor was still missing, it was decided that Cidela Pepperpath would act as substitute for now on.

Journey to the Purgatory began with unconvential measures. Our braves loaded their mounts to a barge that was destined to sail up the river Reaming all away to the Sunset Mountains. Master of deception, Douglas, disguised our riverfaring posse and their mounts, and none of the authorities questioned these "miners" and their "beasts of burden". Journey via the river went well and our strike force stranded few miles before the Purgatory to close with it by feet/hooves. On 23rd of August 1372Dr  they began approaching the Purgatory, known as the village of Orp Sarkan before it's fiery demise in 1368dr when the Skull Riders rode in, slayed and burned the whole village.
The Purgatory, one can't wait to have a vacation there!

Everything in Purgatory was in ruins. Only stone foundations and charred structures remained. In the middle of the village was the market square, place where a great massacre occured four years ago. Dozens of stakes stood there, with charred, impaled corpses of the villagers still hanging in them. Our heroes were disgusted and upset from this heinous massmurder of innocent people. No signs of Syrralt were seen, until they discovered a tent hidden inside a ruined house. Their investigations at the tent came to sudden stop as unidentified riders approached the market square. Our defenders of justice hide themselves and eavesdropped the riders, who were mercenary vanguards lead by a Skull Rider. Fifteen men began patrolling the ruins, some of them Kothians, some Skogarrim, and five of them Blackhelms, Darnonese soldiers.

Our magnificient hiders continued to hide, and investigate the tent, and they discovered strange writings and trigonometric diagrams that depicted a certain location in the ruined village. Carefully inching to avoid the soldiers attention, they moved to the location and found a basement. Inside it they discovered a ropeladders that descended into a narrow chute. By using these ropeladders, they soon found themselves from a underground passage. Eventually the passage came into a halt and opened into dark underground cave. They saw glimpse of torchlight from the otherside of the cave, and witnessed how Syrralt tried to join into Undersea-God-Cult of fishmen, Kuo-Toa. The situation provoked combat, and a scaling began. Our seekers-of-lost-relics had quite a nuisance from Kuo-Toa harpoon-men who hurled their weapons with deadly accuaracy. Nevertheless, the bug-eyed seamen were bout to suffer a defeat, when the unexpected happened.

Curiously, the Kraken stripped Arius and clad him a loincloth!
From the middle of the cave, where a 50ft wide pool of underground water lied, rose a tremendous monster, a kraken, a creature of immense size and diabolical intelligence. The kuo-toa began shrieking "It's Moolowik the Hoarder" and the balance of the battle quickly changed, as the gargantuan entity began amassing both Kuo-Toa and our braves with it's 60ft long tentacles. Quick in wit, our bold warriors began an expeditious retreat, as Douglas managed to nick the bowl. The Kraken, Moolowik, caught Arius as he was running into the passage, but instead of eating him straight-away, the masterbrain proposed a deal to our dim-witted prince-to-be. Arius agreed with the giant-squid, and he was released to live another day. He only had to promise to bring a steady supply of human sacrifices to the abomination, and the creature would crush the riverharbor of Iriaebor when the heroes would try to seize the capital. Forthright suggestion don't you think.

Like the rat leave a sinking ship, our heroes escaped the Purgatory and began their trip back to Berdusk. And soon the Font of Rising Sun was back in the goldring-rich hands of the worshippers of Lathander. And then, yet another adventure unfolded for our heroes.

Change in Order

While our proud adventurers were in Berdusk, Cidela Pepperpath's father, General Almatheus Ochrefield suggested that they should open up the border a little bit. What he meant was that the heroes would infiltrate the borderstation Morihig, which was located at the great gate that dominated the landscape. This gate was the only way through the massive bulwark, and the camp Morihig was the main base for the soldiers stationed in the guardtowers of the bulwark. Inside the camp, they would track and assassinate General Traaghar, a evil man in responsible of many unnecessary deaths of civilians trying to leave cursed Darnon. His demise should open his post to Colonel Erebald who Ochrefield knows to have sympathies for the rebels, and much lesser thirst for blood, unlike the current commander general Traaghar.

To execute the change in order, the schemers left Berdusk and disguised themselves through the gate. While
Dash-line is the way in, dot-line is the way out.
they walked through the camp they observed everything that could aid them on their mission. After the camp they stayed in a shack village known as Hope's End. It had spontaneously sprung up after the construction of the Great Bulwark as many homeless refugees were denied to leave Darnon, so they stayd and camped near the gate. From the misery of Hope's End our soon-to-be-assassins survailed the camp, learned the basic schedule of the camp, including the changes of the watch, and took careful note on the personal customs of General Traaghar.
Finally as all the in's and out's, cons and pro's were mapped, our vigilantes begun to move. They assaulted four soldiers patrolling at the Hope's End and escorted a coal cart to the camp. Cidela was to drive the cart, and as they would close the inner gates, a cart wheel would broke to cause distraction. Douglas managed to jury-rig the wheel perfectly and the distraction went as planned. Cidela coloured it futher with her womanly virtues.

Cidela used pair just like these.

Our braves crossed the campbridge to the southern portions and stayed hidden inside a tent, until the time was right. Approx. Douglas began to sneak towards the HQ. He climbed to the Generals window with the aid of Jareds air walk spell. Luckily the general was asleep, although just faintly, and Douglas performed the notorious Coup-de-Grace, and the assassination was done. They escaped the camp by going out to meet some local girls, and the gateguards didn't notice their hoax. As they left the camp, they forced the whole shacktown of Hope's End to escape with 'em, as they knew that when the murder would be discovered, a great deal of violence would rain down on the civilians.

After the incident at the Morihig borderstation, our heroes once again crossed the Crossing of Hastur, from where they met commoners who were willing to join the rebellion. This oppinion was shared by many that they came across and one led to another and our alpha-rebels found themselves from village of refugees known as Treeward, located in the northern parts of Reaching Woods. There they stayed for three months, instructing able men and women in the secrets of martial warfare. Many were ready to sacrifice themselves for the better tomorrow, and our humble revolutionares soon understood that Darnon was changing, and the moment of truth was closing rapidly. Familiar foresters, Constantin Almert and his sidekick Viril Massar, continued to hone the skills of their upcoming rebel army, as the heroes were needed elsewhere. A call of distress came from the Pass of the Setting Sun in the eastern borders of Darnon, at the Sunset Mountains. There the Order of The Black Cliff had outsourced the responsibility to direction thats atrocity triumphed even the infamous Captain Irongrave. Place where the evil lurked was called Mor Shathûr.

Man Called Tree
It was mid-november and our fellowship proceed towards the city of Hluthvar. Day before it, a curious incident occured. On a small hill lied a rustic cabin accompanied by a weathered tree with dark red leaves. This aroused our adventurers attention. They rode past four gravestones and at the cabin they found one yet to be buried. A skeleton of a man rested on a small bench nect to the cabin door, holding tight on a rusty sword. Before our dear anthropologists managed to search the cabin for loot, a deep whispering voice caught their attention. In the old tree was a man, chained to it. He was old, grey and his skin was rindy as the tree. Bark had covered over half of the chain around the tree, and was slowly engulfing the man itself. Man was bent to the shape of the tree trunk, and his bones were clearly dislocated. The man told our heroes how he had been chained to the tree over a lifetime, as his captor rested under the first and most worn-out gravestone, near the cabin. Man who's skeleton rested near the cabin was his last guard, and the grandgrandson of his captor, Alestur Grimmoir.

Man Called Tree, as he called himself, had murdered and raped Alesturs young wife somewhere around the late 1240's. Rightfully enraged, Alestur had fastened him around this tree outside their homevillage of Hluthvar which now was a city. There he sworn to see the Man to wither and languish until the end of his miserable life, as death would be to pleasant for a murderer like him. Fed only to keep him barely alive, the Man outlived Alestur, who's son Sarmald continued his fathers duty. Eventually Sarmalds son, Farmald put his father to rest and continued his grandfathers calling. But the chained man lived on, and the decades turned into a century. Eventually, Alesturs grandgrandson Haravald, last of his dried out lineage, died somewhere around 1350's and the Man Called Tree was left unguarded. He believed this to be a boon, as none would feed him anymore. But he didn't die.

Man Called Tree suspected that the tree had something to do with it, as he recalled the leaves to be bright green when he was tied around it. Now the leaves were blood red, and Man Called Tree was sure that the wretched plant had grown roots inside him. He asked the heroes for amnesty, and hoped them to strike the rusty blade of Alestur through his heart into the rotten core of the cursed tree. Although he showed no signs of regret, the heroes agreed to do so. Man Called Tree's last wish was that the adventurers would bury poor Haravald who had died in watch over two decades ago. And as the blade reached the trees core, Man Called Tree finally had his rest.

After burying Haravald, the tree dropped it's first red leaf, that slowly floated to Haravalds grave. Our scales of justice continued their journey and left the site that had confined four generations in a one act of revenge, and continued towards the pass of Setting Sun. They passed Hluthvar, a small city that was just a village when Man Called Tree had done his heinous act, and decided to liberate it as soon as Melkor would return as they had heard that great terror was practised in there.

And as their mounts hooves struck lightning, the darkness of the Pass of Setting Sun rose before them, and the darkness had a name,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chapter Twelve - The Call of Longing, A Cry of Calamity

Session was held 2nd of June at the Altar of Games

The Cube Unfolds It's SecretsArius stared with awe, as he struggled to comprehend how could the magical cube of ancient origin call his stepfather Melkor by name. He forgot that Jared had been wounded grievously as a great outsider beign Nycaloth had ripped poor priests arms off. Harmaakelo's Mill had turned to be a stage for great suffering.

Suddenly Melkor started to translate Cube's ancient language, and even Douglas pricked up his ears while healing poor Jared.

     Melkor told how the Cube of Tybor was actually Tybor himself captive inside a magical artifact of his own creation. Tybor had once been the second-in-command in the cabal lead by Valthar the Wise. Together they had dedicaded themselves for the preservation and protection of the Netherese knowledge and magic. Tybor and "One-better-not-to-be-mentioned" were Valthar's two most trusted disciples, but as Valthar perished due extremely venerable age, a competition ensued between the two disciples. But Tybor had already created his magical cube that gave him much power, so the cabal named him as the follower of Valthar, and thus he was given the main-responsibility of protecting Valthars "legacy".
     The rivalry between the two turned into bloodshed as the "One-better-not-to-mention" was determined to obtain the legacy. With cunning evildoing the "One" managed to imprison Tybor inside his own cube. The Cube now held Tybor's powers at bay but rest of the cabal still turned the cube for their avail and with the lead of a wizard who later became the Witchking of Blood Mountain, they banished the "One-better-not-to-be-mentioned" to the far-east.

     Centuries elapsed and the cabal withered into the sands of time. And so the Cube was forgotten until the heroes managed to discover it from the Cauldron of the Wyrm.

Now as the heroes possess the Cube and it has regained it's awareness, it warns them that it once again senses the grave danger that lurked in these grounds centuries ago. Tybor suspects that the "One-better-not-to-be-mentioned" is near and that he possesses the Legacy of Valthar the Wise. Melkor stops translating but the rest notice from his gestures that knowledge of great importance is shared between the Cube and the wizard.

Cidela Pepperpath, the brave warrioress
 But they stop to pay attention to Melkor as the noise of hooves thunder into their ears. There, in the middle of a thunderstorm, a familiar figure cathes with them as Cidela Pepperpath shouts for them. She had rode from Berdusk to fetch the party back to Darnon, as the kingdom is facing a new dire danger. Cidela explained that black clouds gathered over the ruins of Dakhet-Mar and from there a doom would descends upon the village of Durunmer. Our magnificient adventurers promised to answer for this call of heroes, but first they woudld have to return to Triel, where they would bury Hashim and hide the Cube. Cidela was devastated from Hashims fate and the grave wounds of Jared.

On the way to Triel Cidela remebered old tale about the Blue Lady who lurked in the Reaching Woods. The old witch was known for preying upon men but also for it's potent but whimsical healing magic. As Melkor confirmed the tale to true, the group with more legs than arms decided to ride to Darnon through the forest and on their way there they would attend the Blue Lady.

But before their quest for Darnon, they had to put everything in order at Triel. Elvar the Grainlord was shaken from the recent events and promised to do his best to compensate the incident for the "diplomatic entourage". He even offered one of his houses to be the new "embassy" and none of the heroes didn't mind. At the late hours, just before the glimpse of dawn, Melkor, Arius and Douglas buried the Cube of Tybor deep into the soil at the basement of the newly acquired "embassy". They decided that Lot would be left to guard the house, but they didn't reveal the Cubes location for the poor squire.

Our brilliant champions managed to rest for few hours, but before leaving Triel they attended the funeral of Hashim, organized by Elvar the Grainlord. While wishing farewell for the redeemed Kothian Mercenary whose blade had proven to be one of the most efficient means of justice, mortified Jared told about delirious dream he saw last night, where Hashim stood behind the Cube of Tybor, leaning to his sword. Jared was convinced that the Cube would be safe as the Kothian would guard it even from the hereafter. While others wept, others stood motionless as the mercenary was laid down to rest. A priest from Triel started a hymn for the deceased and many united to the choir.

Ferocious battle at the Outpost
 Kingdom Come!
As Lot was left to Triel, Arius, Melkor, Douglas, Jared and Cidela strode towards Scornubel and beyond. They didn't stop to the wretched city as local group of villains called United Merchants/Murderers had charged them from the murder of Baron Von Schuberg and therefore death would be omnient at the streets of the Caravan City. A familiar ferryman aided them over the river Reaching and they were back inside the borders of Darnon. On their bold gait they didn't notice the signs of danger, and a Darnonese outpost came suddenly after a sharp curve of the road. A ferocius battle ensued, as the Darnonese soldiers and Skogarrim-mercanaries assaulted our heroes. The assault turned into bloodpath as Melkor unleashed his new potent magicks and summoned a great celestial dire bear. The beast shred the assailants into pieces and the outpost soon turned to smoldering ruin.

As they were leaving the site of destruction, two hunters alerted by the ruckus run into the heroes. The joy of reunion was tangible as Constantin Almert and Viril Massar step forth from the forest. The two foresters greeted the heroes and invited them to the lean-to from where they promised to guide the cavalcade to the house of the Blue Lady. After long remedial night of rest, the expedition to the witches swamp begun. The two hunters stayed at the edge of the bog as our brave heroes wade forth to a lonely rustic cottage. Douglas and Arius plundered into the hut, but no witch was seen. Douglas moved outside to investigate, but then the hag attacked, biting and clawing young Arius who was left alone inside the cottage. A combat began and Melkor summoned three great lions to their aid. The bitch was soon slain, and the heroes ripped it's glowing red stoneheart off and gave it to Jared. Strange magicks occured and before their very eyes, Jareds arms regenerated from nothing!

Close-up of Map of Darnon

Strenghtened from the visit at the Blue Ladys hut, our dexterous bandits rode to the Foresthouse were they spend the night. Early at the morning they began to approach the village of Durunmer that was located near the Middleroad Inn where they once visited (see Chapter Two). After days ride they rested for awhile at the Inn in question and quickly continued to Durunmer as the black clouds proceed rapidly towards the poor village. When they arrived to the doomed village, a crowd had gathered before the villages church, reviling the priest of the Bitter Lord who strongly disagreed that he had brought the doom upon the village.As the sky darkened and the black clouds grew, the heroes managed to brief with the village leader but then the foretelling became true as the earth began to shake. As panic spread amongst the villagers, great explosion occured and the church blew up into smithereens. Where the bastion of faith once stood, now rose a terrible monster, a gargantuan maggot of horrendous necromantic power, the Ulgurstasta. (Fiend Folio p, 180)

The mighty and terrible Ulgurstasta

On Ulgurstastas side came dozens of skeletons of various sizes. Luckily Jared was in his might and by the will of Lathander he turned the undead, utterly destroying those foul creatures. Unlike it's minions, the mighty Undead Maggot was unharmed by Lathanders divine powers and begun drumming our valiant defenders of justice. It grapped Arius to it's maw and swallowed the poor prince while it crawled and crumbled village houses beneath it's massive necrotic bulk. Enraged by the devastation, the rest of the villagers bravely attacked the maggot, only to be dismembered by it's 40ft. long razor-sharp tendrils that sprung suddenly from it's pores full of pus. Melkor summoned three dire apes to keep rest of the undeads at bay, so he could focus on the giant maggot, as the abomination was efficiently killing everything on it's path. Meanwhile Arius struggled inside the creatures abdomen as necromantic acid was feeding on his pure life-energy. He managed to cut open the stomach and escape, grievously weakened from his bumby ride. The fight was amongst the most wicked and severe, and eventually the beast was weakened, but it possesed enough unholy power to launch one final attack of retaliation. It regurgitated it's stomach's necromantic content as a mighty breath weapon that eated away the flesh and animated the corpse as a skeleton. Poor Jared was struck by this diabolic attack, and aghast the rest saw how their cleric corroded away and rose again as a mockery of his faith. This terrible fate of the beloved priest spurred the rest into frenetic attack, and together they destroyed the undead maggot.

Mouring their loss, the one's who were left promised to bring Jared back eventough he had often spoken against the black arts of resurrection. Still, the rest felt that he played key-role in the destiny of Darnon and thus the practice was justifiable. While aiding the villagers who were still alive, Melkor dropped a bomb. He told Arius and Douglas that he would go away for a while. Shocked from the wizards scheme, they protested against it. But Melkor told them that he had to do some research before they could use the Cube of Tybor in order to excecute the coup for the crown of Darnon, and therefore he should ride west, while the rest would stay in Darnon to proceed their guerilla warfare, weakening the power of the one's responsible of the tyranny and gaining followers and support amongst the masses. He told Arius, Douglas and Cidela to ride to Berdusk in order to bring Jared back. And then the wizard saddled and as he rode he declared that as he returns he brings the winds of change with him and thus a new chapter in the history of Darnon would begun.


Melkor the Wise riding his valiant steed!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Return to the Throne

Dungeon Master Jakubias succeed at craft check and manufactured a quick illustration about the heroes of the campaign. There's Melkor beign ominous, Jared praying for his god. Douglas charging with his rapierUmbra, and Arius as a tightass prince. Also notice the two malevolent Knights of the Black Cliff on the background.

While watching this picture One may imagine for the adventures yet to come, as the campaign turns to it's latter-half. The plot thickens, action becomes even fiercer and tears of sorrow and joy are shed, as our heroes struggle for the fate of Darnon! Stay Tuned!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter Eleven - Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe!

Session was held 26th of March at the Altar of Games

As the dust settled and our brave heroes were proven victors of the struggle at the volcano, a long and gruelling journey back begun. The Untheric refugees rewarded them with gold items scavenged from the temple and in return our heroes teached them how to use the amulet to black guardian statues of the Ziggurat's entrance. Eventually they returned to the portal and left the unforgiving climate of Unther, wishing farewell to their newly forged allies.

From the western end of the portal they found themselves once again surrounded by pitch-black darkness. But they did not cower in front of the catacombs, nor anythings else found in the Ossuary of Wyrmwood, and by defying ghosts of the late Cultist of the Dragon and other perils they ascended from the unhallowed halls into the "cover" of the Forest of Wyrms. All along a creepy aura of evil radiated from the Cube, but only Jared was able to sense it. As their delusions grew stronger and the forest around them almost became alive, a ominous voice whispered from the tree tops "Give me the Cube..". And at the very moment a horrendous green dragon launched it's attack on our unlucky heroes.

A terrible battle was fought, but by divine strikes performed by Douglas and Arius, the ancient beast fell as it's head was sundered from it's serpent-like body. Our party decided to take it's head as a trophy and they continued their journey towards the village of Triel, where Lot and the steeds were waiting for them.

As our champions of valor traveled across the plain between the forest and the village, a wagon catched up with them. Man called Proden and his daughter Mim had been scavenging metal from the Forest of Wyrms and offered to travel with the party. Loading the Cube of Tybor on wagons increased their overall movement and the village was reached in record breaking time.

Village People

Triel was a small village, only couple dozen buildings enclosed within a wooden walls. Nonetheless the village had three large granaries, holding more than enough of supplies for such a small village. They camped into the Singing Straw Inn where innkeeper Gor of Heartland guided them to Lot the squire. Poor Lot had been drinking heavily over the course of our heroes absence, and talking shit even more. And so he explained how the mayor of Triel, Elvar the Grainlord waited for the heroes to arrive as he believed them to be a diplomatic entourage from Darnon. And also how he had arranged a deal with local villager, Bobur Bardabbas, concerning a old house he owned. Melkor was content with Lot's independent chores, as a cellar of a house they owned themselves would suit perfectly for the studies needed in revealing the true significance of the Cube of Tybor.

A bargain was later made, and the party bought their first real estate. A canny carpenter known as mister Harmaakelo (he was an elf, a fact noticed and shunned by the party) promised to repair the weathered building. Later same day, as the day turned into evening, our fellowship gathered to the Grainlords mansion. Hashim was left to the newly purchased house to guard the Cube, and he was glad to do so, as "Sir" Lot's imaginative stories were bit too much for him. And what a feast it was. Elvar the Grainlord served a full course of delicacies. He also asked the "delegate" if it would be possible for Triel to join the upcoming empire of Darnon, and other silly questions as he was still fooled by the stories told by drunken Lot.

As the courses and dishes were served, the Grainlord insisted the heroes to try his "flush", and so he served to them his collection of the finest spirits from all-around the Faerun. Much later after plentyfull of tasting, Arius decided to make a leave, and as the others stayed tasting some more, he staggered towards their house. On his way he met the girl Mim, and after long strange moment Mim ran away. Puzzled by behavior of the girl, he continued onwards, but a great shock awaited him. At the house he witnessed terrible scene of struggle. Inside the house four mercenaries laid dead, gutted by strikes of a scimitar. But in the middle of the horrendous set laid Hashim, striken down by overhelming force. Now the Kothian Mercenary rested in peace, and Arius closed his eyes. Suddenly he remembered the Cube, and an another shock awaited him as the Cube was gone!


Arius launched to alert the others, and they splitted to investigate the gate and the house of Proden (who's daughter Arius saw just before the gruesome discovery) in order to find the assaulters. They soon found out that Prodens wagons had been stolen and the man and his daughter had been slain in the progress. Gatekeeper Karrahald told them that a wagon had left the village few moments ago, albeit he had received a bribe in order to keep it secret.

A thunderous pursuit begun, as our heroes steeds stroke lighting as they rode the road towards Scornubel. After a while a cartpath departed from the road, and as rain soaked the ground, the trail of the escapees was easily followed. The trail ended into a sawmill owned by certain mister Harmaakelo, and as our noble avengers found the muddy wagon inside the mill in the company of Harmaakelo and his assistant who were carrying a certain cube, it was quite clear who were behind the treachery. As they were 'bout to deal justice upon the murderous thiefs, a huge creature landed behind them. The creature demanded the Cube from Harmaakelo, and as the elven carpenter was paralyzed from terror, the monstrosity launched a furious attack on them all. In the midst of the battle Melkor was able to identify it as a yocholoth, more accurately as a Nycaloth. The Outsider was fierce, and even though they slayed the abomination, it managed to rend Jared into bits. The poor cleric lost his both arms as the four-clawed monster torn them off as easily as one snaps a twig.

As the monster was bout to be conquered, Melkor noticed that the elf had carried the cube with his assistant futher inside the sawmill. He rushed after them, only to witness how the fools were bout to cut the cube in a large circular saw powered by mills waterwheel. Before Melkor could stop them the Cube exploded with massive blast of energy, knocking Melkor down and shaking the whole building. As Melkor managed to get back to his feet he saw a huge hole, at least 15ft deep and 30ft wide. In the bottom of the hole lied the Cube of Tybor.

As Melkor begun to walk towards the Cube, and Arius joined him as Douglas healed Jared who was terribly maimed by the otherworldly creature. Suddenly a voice tolled from the mystical Cube: "Netherene...." and as Melkor and Arius engaged the Cube more closer, the air itself around our fascinated heroes electrified and the hollow voice rumbled:


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter Ten - Within the Ossuary a Heart of a Mountain Was Found

Session was held 26th of February at the Altar of Games

Our mighty heroes had plundered into the Ossuary of Wyrmwood, and deep within they found what they were looking for, a portal to the Cauldron of Wyrm. After carefully studying the symbols and runes carved to the edges of the circular portal, Melkor declared that they could step in. And soon whole crew found themselves from far away place, a cliff on the mountainside of the Smoking Mountains that are located in the ancient empire of Unther.

From that faraway cliff they found a stone door that introduced them to series of chambers and corridors that once were a Untherian Ziggurat, temple dedicated to the God-Kings of Unther. They even stumbled into a hall that was full of colossal statues presenting those dead gods which were once worshipped by the Untheric people. There were the deities Assuran, Ramman, Girru, Enlil, Inanna, Nergal, Ishtar, Marduk, Nanna-Sin and Gilgeam who was the last of the gods. After gazing the dead splendour of these Elder Ones they proceed on their quest for the Cube of Tybor, but they were suprised by malicious undead beign known as BoneLord and its two Serpentir minions. Defeating this skeletal bonecrafter required some effort but they continued as victors. After discovering supplies from the old strorage basement of the temple, our party gathered some strenght at the safety of those age-old rations.Melkor considered that the old temple was abandonned decades or centuries ago but the Cult of the Dragon had enstablished a stronghold there as part of their operations in the Cauldron of Wyrm.

"Beams of Extreme Agony"
After restorative hours of rest our fearless adventurers plunged forth deeper into the temple. There they saw libaries, private rooms pf the Wearers of Purple, great halls dedicated for the study of draco anatomica and a cyclopean entrance hall dominated by two crosscut pyramids which both acted as footholds for two intimidating statues made of ebony stone. Doubts were raised as the statues both looked into same spot where the pyramids angles met, the only place to step into the stairs leading downwards and foward on their quest. The nefarious intuition sure was well-grounded as the statues shot beams of extreme agony to poor Arius who was yet again eager to take the first step. Arius survived the damage done by that trap of ancient and magical design. Puzzled by the terrible trap, Melkor invented a way of passing safely, for himself at least and like a lighting bolt the wizard flew through the hazardous spot unharmed by the beams of death. Douglas counted on his dexterity as a rogue, but he suffered horrendously as the red lasers of those black statues cut his flesh and bone. Only then Melkor discovered a link between a small amulet found earlier and the trap and passed through the spot unharmed, wearing the amulet in his neck. And by exploiting this knowledge the rest passed through the beams of extreme agony.

They continued on and came to an opening in the side of the mountain, covered and decorated by gigantic pillars and engravings of Untheric pantheon. Between the pillars they saw a long stonebridge spanning across the heights, linkind two of the Smoking mountains together. They set foot on that vertiginous structure and cursed its lenght. In the other end they found a small landing, from where a set of stairs ran downwards. Also a small path started it's desperate climb from the level they were but all their attention was bound to a splendid stone of black and red, lifted on a pedestal. Douglas used his best tricks and failed to notice any traps, but as he took the egg-shaped stone, a wall in front of him collapsed unleashing a blood-thirsty PYROHYDRA with eight fiery heads! The battle was terrible, but with preeminent skill in the art of war they turned the multi-headed horror intoa a Luskanese bagpipe, a carcass full of holes.

The Ascension and the Fiery End.
After slaying the beast of legend, our watchful party gathered their belongings and spend some time recovering from the wounds inflicted by the great OctoHead. Then they continued the path upwards, only to meet group of Untherese refugees whom had taken shelter at the mountaintops from the Mulhorandi invaders. After clarifying our partys intentions they welcomed them to their camp. The Untherese told about serpent-like people who had raided their camp and asked if the heroic troupe could ventrue futher on the trail and get rid of these hideous menrobbers. The merry band of adventurers agreed but stayed at the camp for few nights just in case if a new raid should occur. It never did and the fellowship begun the last part of their ascension, unaware that one day the bards of Faerun would sing tales from its legend.

The path curled along the mountainsides, and after long and perilous journey they came to a massive opening in the side of the mountain, from where a river of lava, that came from the depths of the mountain, turned to a gargantuan lavafall that thundered down to the Black Ash Plain thousands of feets below as a malicious rain of stones. A narrow stone bridge crossed the lavafall and took the party inside the opening. There a ropebridge crossed the fiery stream again back to the side they came from and from there a another stonebridge crossed once more to the opposite. And there they saw a strange canvas spanned over large "doorway" to another colossal chamber. But even from the first stone bridge they saw that the canvas was something terrible, and as it spoke to them they understood it to be a human streched across the opening. It demanded their flesh and summoned three nasty salamanders, snake like creatures of fire with humanlike uppertorso.

Few minutes and destroyed ropebridge later the salamanders were banished and the unholy human canvas torn open and our heroes proceed to the conclusion of their quest through the canvas. There they saw a vast chamber of colossal proportions, bordered by small streams of lava that united into the river that ran down to the Black Ash Plain. At their feet in front of the stone bridge was a colossal skeleton of long dead dragon, covering the area where the streams flowed into the same ravine. In the back of the chamber was a pool of lava from where the streams begun, and in front of the pool was a huge formation of black stone and high off the floor of the majestetic heartchamber of the volcano, on the black formation rested the Cube of Tybor!

Arius and Douglas climbed down the dragons spine to reach the chambers floor while Jared stepped through the air with his airwalk spell. Melkor and Hashim stayed at the stronebridge, and from afar they saw how a terrible wraith rose from the floor of the chamber, cursing the adventurers. It was the last ghost of the Cultists who seeked the Cube and perished, but Jared scorched its incorporeal remains with his greater turn undead ablility. But then all hell broke loose, as the black stone formation rumbled with great voice, identified itself as Harafalg the Giant and sweared that the robbers would never get the Cube of Tybor. Then the mountain begun to shake as the formation shattered as the fire giant broke free from his slumber. So great was his strenght that the lavapool behind him ruptured and begun flooding the chamber with its molten content.
There, jumping and balancing on lavastones floating in the powerful flow our heroes fought a bitter battle against a ancient power that was considered legend by the most. In this epic scene of local armageddon they triumphed possibly the greatest triumph ever, and got to possess the fabled Cube of Tybor.
Ecstatic from their victory and the fantastic visions of raw power of the nature, our heroes forgot the one major thing that had been bothering them through-out their quest for the Cube...
What a fuck was it for?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Chapter Nine - Portal-Travelling in the Footsteps of a Ancient Cult

Session was held 29th of January 2011 at the Altar of Games

It had been slightly over a week ago when Melkor the Wise got his hands on the Cultes Netherenes, eccentric tome that together with ponderous research in the libaryvaults of Oghma's Temple revealed much to the wizard. With a bombastic display of prestidigitation he shared his mad scheme to the rest of the fellowship, and the acceptance was mixed. Scepticism was quaranteed as he announced that they would travel to a volcano via ancient portal in order to obtain the Cube of Tybor, an mysterious aertifact which significance was unknown. After supressing all the laughter of disbelief they gathered their ranks and rallied to the Twilight Hall, a Temple of Deneir in Berdusk that also hold the unspoken headquarters of Those Who Harp, the Harpers.

Later on, they arrived to the Twilight Hall where cleric Danius Lumbertide received them and listened to their request. Mister Lumbertides stance was indifferent to their cause, but then Melkor saw his old friend among the people of the temple. General Almatheus Ochrefield served in the army of Darnon twenty years ago until he was exiled as the wave of terror engulfed the kingdom, and he knew Melkor well and promoted their cause to Lumbertide. And when they revealed that Arius had the right for the crown of Darnon, the cleric rushed the party to a rendezvous with High Lady Cylyria Dragonbreast, the leader of the Twilight Hall branch. High Lady Dragonbreast promised their support in the quest for the Cube of Tybor in order to liberate Darnon, and they gave Melkor the missing pieces of the puzzle.

And so, the mad scheme goes like this: First of all, after equipping themselves with rations and new magic items received via late adventure's loot they would ride the western bank of river Reaming to the north, where they would cross the river Reaching and stop to Scornubel. This would take five days. After well slept night in the already familiar city, they would ride to north, passing the Trielta Hills from west until they would reach the treeborder of the Forest of Wyrms. From there they would continue on foot, until the Ossuary of Wyrmwood, old site of Cult of the Dragon, now possibly forlorned. From there they would found the portal to the Smoking Mountains in the Empire of Unther far far away in east, where they would seek the extinct volcano known as the Cauldron of the Wyrm. And inside that Hell on Earth they should find Harafalg the Giant in whose possession the Cube of Tybor is. As simple as that.

Nice plans, and now the practice
After receiving futher guidance in form of cartography, our heroes returned to Dancing Tulip to prepare for the upcoming journey. Two days later, 11th of July 1372DR they launched the expedition according to the plans. From their newly acquired friends Hashim and Lot followed them on their journey, as Cidela Pepperpath stayed in Berdusk due her own whims. On the third day of journey, in halfway to Scornubel, severe rainfall hindered their movement into fraction. As they pushed through the grey curtain, three malicius trolls surrounded and jumped on them. A horrendous fight occured against these tough skinned humpbacks, as they regenerated even the most ghastliest cuts. Eventually, after building a pyre over every trollish carcass our heroes managed to take a breather. They even came across with small trollnest which provided them with minor loot.

Soon they were on their way again, all away to the river Reaching where they were suppose to take a ferry across. But the ferryman apologized and instructed them to meet Baron Von Schuberg, a nobleman willing to charge the ferryservices personally. Infuriated they rode to Barons vineyard estate, where they were received on a sunny patio. The opulent baron, Konarld Von Schuberg boasted to our humble heroes how gruelling his work in eminent position in the United Merchants was, and how he needed a time off from it with his family and riches at this summer-estate. Eventually Arius got pissed of and gave the baron the finger, plunging the afternoon into gore-filled slaughter. After liquidating practically everyone except the servants, our vigilantes let the poor peasants working in the vineyard to plunder the estate, while the ferryman took them to the opposite bank.

The magnificent band soon reached Scornubel where they found themselves from the Jumping Jugs tavern, once again. They relaxed for a while until a familiar face crept in. It was Mordiggian, main usurer of the United Merchants/Murderers. He questioned the PCs from the murder of Baron Von Schuberg who held a high title in the ranks of United Merchants and demanded them to solve the murder and also to eliminate the resistance once and for all, or they would face the deadly charges from the bloody assault. The merrymakers promised to bring forth the killers but after well rested night in the tavern they slipped out of the city, and doing so they burned their bridges to Scornubel for awhile.

The Ossuary of Wyrmwood

The adventure continued and they spurred their steeds towards the Trielta Hills. After three long days of thunderous gallop they reached the treeborder of the Forest of Wyrms. Lot the squire promised to take the steeds to the town of Triel, where he would caress them meanwhile the heroes would plunder some volcanos. And so they diverged and our fellowship seasoned with the swordmanship of Hashim penetrated the ancient forest. Carefully following the maps given by Harpers they managed to avoid any encounters with the terrible dragons nesting in those woods. Eventually they discovered the site which was the entrance to the Ossuary, or once were as now it resembled more like a hole in the ground. Anyhow, they descended down to the abandoned upper levels, and advanced carefully, witnessing signs of battle and decay everywhere. Eventually they found a pristine door, which served as a entrance to lower levels that Harpers never managed to cleanse. Well crafted iron door featured a prominent dragonhead made of gold, and the dragonhead spoke to the party. It riddled our heroes and as they solved the magical gatekeepers silly rhymes they managed to pass it.

Once again they walked through countless of corridors and chambers, abandoned yet untouched by gruesome battle. Once again, a door featuring a dragonhead idol blocked their way. This time it didn't show any signs of opening and Douglas the trapexpert managed to find a trap from it, yet he didn't have the skills to discharge it. And so came Jared, the servant of the Morninglord and with quick words he conjured a hole in the wall besides the door, revealing the corridor behind the trapped door. Unluckily for him, he also eradicated the containers holding the acid that was supposed to splash out from the dragons mouth if the trap would have been triggered. Jared was able to withstand the corrosive backlash.

And so they entered to the final chamber of the ossuary. It was a huge vault, holding a small underground lake within. And against this lake rose a steep cliff, starting ascending from the doorway. And on the top of the cliff was a circural structure, roughly ten feet in diameter, acting like a window to strange realms. As they closed in to the portal they saw it displaying reddish mountaintops of the faraway empire of Unther. As Melkor begun to study the apparatus in order to achieve a safe journey, others kept guard, and not in vain, as a unknown force of soldiers showed up in the doorway.

The small regiment begun asceding the cliff, and a leader of these bloodhounds shouted the final warnings to our heroes, Consisting of Kothians, Skoggarrim and Darnonese soldiers, they were in a perfect form for Melkor to cast his fireball on them, and so did the wizard. Struck down by the blaze and offguard, Douglas rushed to the regiment to cleave out these mercenaries with his forbidding sneak attack. Oh how he wished that he wouldn't been so hasty, as from nowhere charged a man clad in black fullplate. This man, a Skull Rider, Knight of the Order of the Black Cliff wielded a bastard sword spewing forth ice and frost. Battle against these bounty hunters was fierce, as they even had a mage behind their ranks. The Skull Rider, the antagonist, fought hard, as his servitude to the Bitter Lord gave him powers unimaginable, but as good guys so often do, our heroes crushed the force ment to be the lash of the king in his hunt for the stray heir. Upon dying, the skull rider cursed our heroes and declared that his father, captain Irongrave would avenge his death.

Fatigued by this grim feuding, our glorious band of adventurers caught a breath as they gazed in to the portal that show'd them volcanic vistas of high black mountains spewing forth thick black collums of smoke.

Somewhere there was the Cauldron of the Wyrm, and a giant, sitting on the Cube of Tybor.