The four heroes, the magnificient four, the one's constantly in danger in their glorious adventures. But who are they really? Here's a quick summary of them, updated as the story unfolds.
Current update is after chapter five.
Arius / Ariendur Grivald
Level 4 Fighter / Level 2 Ranger
Neutral Good Half-Elf Male
Hit points: 60 Ac: 18
Attack: Ilbrandir +10/+5(19-20x2) Damage 1d10+4 slashing
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +6 Will +0
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14
3-skills: Intimidate +9, Ride + 7, handle animal +5
"Arius was an apprentice of Melkor the Sage, when one day his life turned to fairytale as he learned that he was the long lost prince of the kingdom of Darnon, and would one day inherit the throne. He cannot wait to tell Semion about all this"
Douglas Wenham

Eyes: Dark Blue Hair: Dark brown Skin: pale
Height: 179cm Weight: 73kg
Level 6 Rogue
Neutral Human Male
Hit points: 31 AC: 17
Attack: Umbra +8 (18-20/x2) Damage 1D6+2 (sneak attack) piercing
Saves: Fort + 3 Ref +7 Will +2
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
3-skills: Sense motive +12, tumble +12, Open lock +11,
"Douglas comes from the free-city of Berdusk. Little has he shared from his past, but an general oppinion is that he somehow entangled with crimesyndicates and thus changed his hood. And thus he came to Iriaebor to make a fortune but he couldn't have known that he would turn to be one of the top public enemies of the kingdom, in mere weeks from his first arrival!"

Eyes: Blue/Grey Hair: raven black Skin: pale
Height: 186cm Weight: 83kg
Level 6 Wizard
Lawful Neutral Human Male
Hit points: 25 AC: 11
Attack: quarterstaff +1 (x2) damage 1D6-1 bludgeoning
Saves: Fort +4 Ref +2 Will +7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10
3-Skills: Knowledge arcana +13, spellcraft +13, decipher script +13
"Melkor has lived in Iriaebor for most of his life, or atleast so Arius thinks as the old sage hasn't told anything from his past, ever. What dark secrets he saves just for himself we don't know, but we know that he is the primus motivator, the brain behind the movement as he guides our heroes through their quests."
Jared West

Eyes: brown Hair: bald Skin light
Height: 182cm Weight: 78kg
Level 6 Cleric of Lathander
Neutral Good Chondathan Human male
Hit points: 41 AC: 16
Attack: Morningstar +5 (x2) damage 1D8+1 bludgeoning/piercing
Saves: Fort +6 Ref+2 Will+7
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12
3-skills: Concentration +10, Heal +8, Knowledge religion +8
"Jared is a priest of Lathander, the Morninglord. He grew up in Cormyr, and as a preteen he was send to Temple of Lathander in their homevillage, and later to the city of Marsember where he learned a lot. Eventually he was told to go and spread the word and thus he came to Darnon to share the gospel of Lathander in faith that his words would heal the "sick". How could he have known that his belief was pronounced pagan in Darnon, and that he would face some serious jail-time for his faith."