Black Tower of Mor Shathûr
The sun rose as a grey behemoth as our heroes were penetrating deeper in to the Pass of the Setting Sun. It was first of december and a rain of hail was covering the black earth. Jared who had greeted the sunrise for his divine spells introduced the heroes to two local shepherds called Gudard and Blabbermouth-Benj. They told about the menace at the dark tower, how it was held by savage tribe of orcs called Gujat Kragor, the Long Tusks. These vile humanoids had tormented the pass since their rise to power, hampering the traffic at the pass to zero and reducing the land available for pasture to a quarter. Thus the shepherds agreed to help the Hope of Darnon, and showed a secret passage to the tower, once used by lusty monks of Deneir, as the main gate to the pass was overrun by the orcish horde.
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Scruffy depict of Mor Shathûr. It was made in haste as the danger was imminent. |
From window slits of the higher levels of the tower our roughnecks saw that an another battle had ensued in the pass that the tower guarded. Unknown force of horseriders had attacked the orc camp, and the greenskins were getting beaten at the outside as well as inside of the dark tower of Mor Shathûr. Soon our heroes reached the top and encountered the horrendous leader of the tribe. "BIG MUTHAFUCKA", as it called itself, was propably the biggest orc one has ever seen, and its huge greatclub pounded Arius again and again. The struggle against the green giant was excruciating, but no orc were to spoil the great destiny that awaited our brilliant goodies and as the humongous bulk of the half-boar/giant/orc slumped down the staircase, they knew they were victors once again.
The Long Tusks also suffered a defeat outside the tower, and our braves met the horseriders. Their leader identified himself as Dortherion, a captain of one hundred riders from far north. They had rode in the name of Lord Alexander of the House Teudor, the ruler of the free city of Rhaum. Dortherion explained that Ariendurs mentor, Melkor the Wise had send a message to his Lord Alexander, and requested aid for the struggle of free Darnon. Thus the riders began their journey south, and luckily they found the heroes here. The riders of Rhaum also had company from another ally of Melkor, Balthor the Bothered, his old associate in magic and wizardy.
With these new allies, our brave champions of justice began their journey back to Treeward, the sanctum of refugees and rebels. Once there, Dortherion promised to begin training in martial arts for the commoners that are willing. Three war-smiths that had rode with him from the north also promised to teach the arts of weapon&armorsmithing for the village smiths, to increase the quality of equipment in the use of the rebellion. It should be noted that Treeward was constantly growing, as the need for change in Darnon grew everyday stronger and stronger. The village had allured several powerful figures to join, such as cleric Thendous Grayish, who shared spiritual guidance for the rebels. Man called Ralhold Silvermace had been selected to act as a village elder while the heroes were absent. Also, familiar barbarian, Baltrus the Hot-head joined the ranks of rebellion, chanelling his temper against the oppressors.
Howl in the Dark
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Guulvorg |
And so the went, once again, and few days later, only some miles east from Hluthvar, the monster slayers arrived to small village of The Valley of Hluth. The night had settled and our braves witnessed terrible carnage, as several of the small villagehuts had been torn apart, and dismembered corpses of the villagers lied scattered. Then a great howl broke the silence, and the giant beast attacked. Crossbreed of a worg and a dire wolf, the proportions of the huge wolf were unnatural. Nevertheless, if it bleeds, it can be killed, and so did our brave justifiers that they stroke down the vile abominations that the orcs had released for revenge, and the outskirts of Hluthvar had been saved.
Operation Leverage
Two weeks later, the heroes attended to a new affair that was mainly designed by Dortherion. They were to rob the armoury of Hluthvar, as the rebellion desperately needed more equipment and gold to fund itself. The strike was intended to be timed into the new years celebrations, as the city was less populated by the brothers of the Black Cliff, as the Cult of the Bitter Lord had a grande ceremony in Iriaebor. They were to use secret smuggling tunnels that ran under the city with the aid of freedom fighter-agents deployed earlier.
As the night of the New Year came, the Operation Leverage begun with a bang. Our heroes, Arius in front, smashed in to the well fortified armoury, cleaving down any resistance. Only true opposition they encountered was a commanding Brother of the Black Cliff, Captain Wormwood and his Defenders of the Iron Wall elite soldiers, who had grouped in to defensive positions at an arms vault. Nevertheless, their full plate armors and tower shields were opened like a tin cans, as our brave raiders pryed themselves through.
As the weapon-vault was secured, the aiding rebels begun to carry the arms out of the vault, to the smuggling tunnels, as the heroes focused their attention into solving a key-puzzle of a door that would lead into the inner-vault. Eventually the puzzle-mechanics were outsmarted, and our justified looters hit a motherlode, as the inner vault encased three chests of gold, one shiny magical mithral chainshirt and a peculiar item that resembled a deck of cards.
As they were carrying the chests out of the vault, sounds of battle ensued from the upper level, and the crude elevator to the vaults came crushing down. The party had to climb up via small staircase that were only accessible from the vault, and they found that the operation had been compromised. Dortherion and his men had barely fend off city guards who had tried to seize back the armoury. Thus the party and the leftover rebels dashed out of the armoury, rushing through the city alleys towards the entrance of the smuggling tunnels. Altough the route was short, many fell to the spears and swords of the pursuers. They had to force a cave in at the tunnels entrance in order to escape, but the danger was far from over. Trapped into the dark tunnels, they began navigating hastily towards the exit outside the city. Then something went wrong. A creature attacked from a dark side tunnel, striking Douglas unconscious. Trapped in the cramped tunnels, Arius struggled to drive away the shadowy attacker, but before they managed to take a breather, they noticed that Douglas was missing, someone or something had dragged him to the numerous sidetunnels..
Sorrow at the Staggering Elk
As the shorthanded heroes finally entrenched themselves from the tunnels that might have proven to be one's doom, they proceed the the Tavern of the Staggering Elk that was located at the outskirts of Hltuhvar. In the case that something would go wrong during the armoury assault, they were to regroup there.
Douglas was still missing, and even though the operation achieved it's goal in gaining resources, many brave lives were lost. As the grand schemer and master executer of the operation, Dortherion took the losses heavily. Constantin Almert, who had supervised the transfer of the loot from the armoury to the tunnels, grieved after his long time hunting partner, Viril Massar, who was lost at the streets and alleys of Hluthvar.
Three days later, the main group of the participants at the armoury, left Staggering Elk. Lead by Dortherion, they headed back to Treeward, as our heroes were to stay and search for Douglas one last time. One might call it destiny, but a mule cart reined by old lady called Mirmos Sliver arrived to the yard of the Staggering Elk. The old lady asked from innkeeper Guysses the Sembian for a pitcher of water, as she was accompanied by two men in poor health. By whim, Jared paid heed to the conversation between the Innkeeper and the old lady, and he followed her back to her cart. There lied Douglas, looking gaunt, covered in filth. As the thief lingered between life and death, Jared used his divine powers, and restored the vitality back to the weathered rogue.
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Luckily, Douglas managed to escape. |
Lord of the Hill
Month and a half later the rebellion, known also as the Free Darnon faction, had gained major foothold in the northern parts of Darnon. Still a constant menace lingered as mercenaries streamed to Darnons capital, Iriaebor. The force that camped at Iriaebors outskirts could easily crush the rebellion, but for some unknown reason no movement of that sort had been noticed, and that worried the leaders of Free Darnon the most. But they were not the only ones with worries. Dundast Greygoblet, the halfling villagechief of Corm Orp had turned to the heroes for assistance. He and his entourage of his kin were overthrown by bunch of hill giants. And now he wished to get back to his village by the hills. The adventurers could not say no to the miserable littlelord, and so they headed north, through ice and snow that now covered the once so lush plains of Darnon.
Hill giant brothers Knuffa, Tor Tor and Rummaruk had enslaved the halfling villagers, and enstablished their lair to the villages centre. As our giant-slayers spied and work on their tactics for slaying them, they noticed an increase in giants number, two giants from the Anauroch desert had came to greet their distant cousins. Our brave slayers were not boggled by this, and decided to launch their attack to liberate the villagers. It is no common secret that fighting against giants is a hazardous task to do. This our brilliant braves were to find out, as the great clubs wielded by these potent yet imbecile slavers hammered down onto them. As brutal as the clash was, the humongous intruders were beaten and their northern kin driven away. The villagers who had endured the exploit of the giants cheered and began to organize a massive celebration for their liberators. The heroes, who were exceptionally modest this time, presented the village to its chief, and returned back to Treeward, knowing that they had gained new, yet small, allies.
End Of It All
It was 8th of May, 1373DR, and our dear adventurers rode along the treeborder of Reaching Woods. Arius, Cidela, Douglas and Jared had made a trip to Scornubel where they had visited the markets and shops in order to update their equipment. At the same time they had paid a visit to Mordiggian, the boss of United Merchants, or United Murderers as some knew them. It should be noted that Mordiggians tyranny at Scornubel no longer bothers city. And so, after this succesful campaign to neighbouring free city, our jolly lot were returning home, to Treeward.
Their ennobled state of mind soon changed into concern, as one of Constantin Almerts rangers, Ralfar, rode against them. He carried a message of most tremendous importance. The base of Free Darnon and safe haven for the refugees, Treeward, was under attack! Ralfar explained that with the morning mists, few hours ago, a large army commanded by Skull Rider Overlord, Captain Irongrave, had sieged the village. Also during the night, a great magical wall was conjured to the treeborder, in order to prevent the refugees from escaping, companied by antimagical barrier that blocked Balthor from sending the heroes a message of distress. As a skillfull rider, Ralfar himself managed to slip out before the King's Army closed in, and begun the search for the heroes, as their aid was desperately needed.
They rode along with the wind, as every moment was closer to the destruction of Free Darnon. Although their ride was a noble lunge through miles, they arrived too late. The battle had commenced without them, and the rebellion was losing in every single field. The struggle had taken place in a opening in front of the village, and even though the forest gave some cover for the rebels, the vision was horrendous. The well armed professional soldiers of King Osander II hacked down masses of inadequately equipped rebels, and as zealous as they were, they didn't stand a chance. Only the men of Rhaum, who were led by their brave captain Dortherion, managed to fight back. But they toiled in vain, as the Brothers of the Black Cliff slayed men like pigs. There are no words that can describe how those vile servants of the Bitter Lord killed and dismembered their victims that day. In the middle of the battlefield was a large wagon, from where three poles towered towards the sky. To these poles, three tortured figures were bound.
Shocked by the slaughter in front of them, our fateful heroes plunged their mounts to the ranks of the enemy, striking down every single Black Helm, Skogarrim Mercenary, Bitter Lord fanatic and Skull Rider who crossed paths with them. Their fury was only increased as they saw how Balthor The Mage was mortally shot down from the sky with a powerful arrow of the Bitter Lord, where he was pouring his fire evocations down onto his enemies.
Even though they began their chivalrous charge in the lance formation, soon only Arius was advancing towards the head of the snake, Captain Irongrave. The others were hindered on their way, thus leaving the half-elf prince to face the menace alone. Just before reaching Irongrave, a sudden blast knocked Arius and his horse to the ground. As he forced himself up he saw how Irongrave held Dortherion from his throat, as the minions of the Skull Rider Captain stabbed Dortherion again and again. Arius threw himself against the Captain of the Black Cliff, challenging him to a duel. As gallant as he was, Arius struggled against the Hammer of Doom, a powerful warhammer that was given by the Bitter Lord himself to Irongrave, his loyal servant. Jared tried to reach Arius to aid him, as he saw the upcoming doom, but too late. A powerfull blow knocked our brave prince prone, and as Irongrave was to deliver the finishing strike, a flash of bright green light occured. The Skull Rider Captain quailed in pain, and with a terrible cry, the champion of evil fell dead on the ground. And lo, on a hills surrounding the battlefield, stood Melkor!
The Return of Melkor
As Captain Irongrave was slain, the forces of King Osander II began to shatter. Melkor had summoned celestial dire lions to his aid, and soon the army was driven back. Only the Skogarrim barbarians and the fanatics of the Bitter Lord had to be killed to the last of them, so blinded were they by their lust of blood.
Finally the battle was over. As the cold drizzle drummed faintly the armors of the ones who fell, it was obvious that only the most lucky ones survived that day.In addition to the countless who had given their lives in order to defend the Free Darnon, Melkors old friend, Batlhor, had been slain. Hot blooded half-orc barbarian Baltrus was also killed, but severly wounded Dortherion managed to see another day, as did 32 of his men. Constantin Almert lost his eye as he led his rangers agains the back ranks of the enemy. In addition to him, only four of his men survived. Constantin also found out that one of the three figures bound to the pole-wagon was his friend Viril. They had tortured him to reveal the location of Treeward, and he had most likely been alive when the battle ensued.
Not even the return of Melkor gave consolation to the ones who survived, as months of hard work, not to even mention the lives lost, came to nought. And the worst part was that sacrifices like the battle that day, were only prelude for all the grief that was yet to come in order to liberate Darnon from it's tyranny.
As the night drew it's dark curtain over the scene of sorrow, our exhausted warriors sat around a campfire to hear what Melkor had to tell for an excuse of his long absence. The Wise Wizard told a magnificent tale how he had ridden to the shore of the Sea of Swords, where he had entered the ponderous vaults of Candlekeep. He had researched for ways to use the Cube of Tybor for their advance, and he was convinced that they could supress the powers of Alzarseth, the Red Wizard, who reigned as the archmage of Iriaebor. This would grant them an great advance in the battle for the throne. Melkor also told that he had used lot's of resources in order to gain new allies for their cause, and he felt that he had been quite succesful in that. Dortherion expressed his doubt that Free Darnon would never be able to restore it's ranks, as many good men had fallen that day. But the others who had travelled with Melkor before, saw a familiar glow in the eyes of the beloved magician, and it marked for yet another foolhardy adventure!
The enigmatic mage chuckled silently, slowly smoking his pipe.