Monday, March 12, 2012

Chapter Seventeen - Calm Before The Storm

Session was held 28th of January at the Altar of Games

Asbravn's streets were full of grief.
Governing the City
As the new dawn rose over the city of Asbravn, the ones who survived the perilous night were able to witness the full scale of devastation. Bloodstained streets glimmered like rivers of ruby as our heroes wandered around the city. Although terrible price was paid, they were still seen as liberators, and the battle against the Red Dragon  was remembered for generations. Cidela Pepperpath had rode to the city at dawn and joined the heroes company as they were to begin re-organizing the governance in the city. Newly promoted Count Anthrop vowed to assist our heroes in their struggle to stabilize the mangled city and by his initiative they arrived to Asbravn's Chamber of Commerce. The old wooden building had survived the blazes of dragonbreath and swarming undead and while the keep was reconstructed, it would serve as the center of governing. High Merchant Massime Rodour welcomed the new rulers to the Chamber and showed them the great table known as the Scale where they should hold their "court".

As they made themselves comfortable around the Scale, a former captain of the cityguard marched in. He presented himself as Erga son of Ereg, grandson of Egra the Trollslayer. He pledges to form the new cityguard with eighty surviving guardsmen who aren't too loyal for king Osander II. Our newly elected governors didn't oppose this proposition and thus Erga returned to the streets to stabilize the chaos. After enstablishing the city guard, our valiant heroes retired for a lunch and a nap in one of the surviving inns. The Velvet Weight served fine meals and warm beds for our dragonslayers, and they slept a little while Count Anthrop continued on the management tasks.

Later on the afternoon, Count Anthrop dragged our dreamers back to the newly established court. There they had to execute some justice, as Antrhop presented them several crooks from Lord Protector Mornburgs old court to answer for their misbehavings.
Death to traitors!
Our new judges condemned ex-bailiff Fraknar Anderser and his collector Jalivar to be executed, along side with torturer Two-Tongue (who tortured Jared and Arius a year ago) and Stygon, a priest of the Bitter Lord. They were to meet their end at next high noon.
Speaker of Mornburg, Salvard Greybridge, official Nemerd Stonetower and widow Lady Marin Mornburg were condemned to imprisonment until their negative point of view would be drastically changed. Sorceress Dacatrin (who battled against them just a day ago!) convinced Melkor to be better left alive, as her services would be much of use, so she was declared as an ally.

After pronouncing the sentences, Antrhop presented several vacancies to be filled. Our homebrewn lords appointed bloodhound mercenary Huss the Hound to be the new constable. Valiant Ser Albaster Typhion vowed to serve as a non-corrupt bailiff, while Walther Purpletide, familiar sage (the last apprentice of Ulverus the Wise), promised to act as an advisor.
Misha & Sasha
Count Anthrop volunteered to act as the new Speaker and High Merchant Rodeurs lawyer Uddard Blackcaster was elected as the chamberlain/senechal to advise our heroes in legal matters.
 New chamberlain Blackcaster promised to present several legal issues during next morning and advised our court of kings to take a rest. And so they ought to do,but old trader Geodyf Mirnov stormed in to the courtroom with his two dazzling daughters. Fortune in his eyes, the oldtimer tried to pitch his daughters Misha & Sasha to our city-liberators, but only Douglas took the bait.

A whack straight into forehead,
that makes a beheading remarkable!
After a full night of debauchery. our heroes struggled to get up to see yesterdays convicts to be executed. Because the city had no executioner anymore, Arius was forced to deal his own justice, as he was the most capable swordsman around. Beheading's were done without any errors and Mornburgs crooked administration was finally dealt with.

Kingdom Come

After the justifiable public killings, our lawmakers returned to the Chamber of Commerce to pass some laws and edicts. Newly appointed chamberlain Uddard Blackcaster had prepared several important articles. Thus they ordained:
  • The Kingdom of Free Darnon was founded 23rd of May 1373DR. With his legitimate claim to the throne, Arius was humbly crowned as AriendurKing of Free Darnon.
  • Pleas of aid were send to Cormyr, Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate
  • The Church of the Bitter Lord was banished as heresy and all worship of the forsaken god will lead to trial. Old religions like Lathander and Chauntea were restored to their former standings.
  • Mornburgs hidden treasure that was found from the Keep Asbravn will be spend in repairing the keep and the city
  • A messenger was send to Hluthvar calling Dortherion to march the army of Free Darnon down to Asbravn, as recoil of some sort was expected from behalf of King Osander II. 
  • Pardons were promised for the prisoners of war that are willing to join the Free Darnon
  • It was also decided that the surplus wealth from Mornburgs stash would be spend in Scornubel. The heroes would venture there personally to make necessary arrangements with local administration in order to buy weapons, equipment and rations for the citizens of Asbravn.
It wasn't mentioned in the official records that our brilliant posse would also make some personal purchases of magical sort, and also a quick trip to town of Triel in order to meet up with trusty henchman Lot and to dig up the Cube of Tybor that was hidden there months ago. 

Here the artist was somewhat mistaken,
the attempt was made with a dagger, not a spear,
although the two are easy to confuse.
After the lawmaking, High Merchant Rodour took our heroes for a short walk around the city. Despite the city's general turmoil, many wished our heroes well while they paced through the streets. They even met familiar faces such as Brella Cempwood who had bestowed them with Hero, Arius's dog that currently was in Triel with Lot. While on the streets, one of the Mirnov daughters addressed Arius and they broke up from the delegate to have a private conversation. Neither of them knew that an assassin was lurking nearby, and the first attempt for Arius's life was made. The assassin however botched his big moment and our young King sliced the bastard in half with his legacy sword, Ilbrandir. Merry tale for the assassin to tell at the ferry.

The new dawn arrived with dozen hundred soldiers from Hluthvar as Dortherion arrived with haste. They had few units of reinforcements with them, such as a brigade of halfling slingers from Corm Orp. While our heroes prepared to leave for Scornubel, Dortherion and master mercenary Karman Fatta was to stay and organize defenses in Asbravn. Dortherion also told about the intel reports suggesting that King Osander II had only his mercenary armies to move towards Berdusk. All the Blackhelms were still in Iriaebor and thus a serious menace lingered near Asbravn. 

After they had dealt with the last governance issues in Asbravn, our bold adventurers saddled and strode towards the village of Darkshallows. They expected a nostalgic reunion with the villagers that they once saved from peril, but the cruel forces of King Osander had preempt our adventurers, and only death and suffering waited in the village. Our fellowship which was accompanied by Cidella, could only behold with sadness as every single villager hang from a noose in the branches of ancient grey oak. Day later, our travelers arrived to the Crossing of Hastur, and later that evening they stayed the night at Tremeld Sinivihta's Foresthouse Inn at the border of Reaching Woods. The old innkeeper warned our journeymen( and women) from new dangers lurking in the woods. Some being of immense evil wandered around the forest, leaving only trail of dead vegetation, trees and animals behind. Slightly discouraged, our wayfarer slept their night with caution, and after the daybreak they plummeted to the woods.

Return to the Cube
Arius after his upgrade/extreme make over/pimp my knight
As the innkeeprer had warned, the forest indeed possessed an atmosphere of evil. In the midway of the forest trail, our heroes finally found something quite alarming. Two dozen dead men lied scattered around the road, and a trail of dead grey trees diverged from the path. They all seemed like their life force had been sucked out of them, and with great caution our travelers continued towards Scornubel. Even though the signs were there, they arrived safely to Scornubel. Captain Kluskan of the cityguard, the Red Shields, introduced our heroes to the ruler of Scornubel, Lady Rhessajan Ambermantle, who was appointed shortly after the United Murderes - crime syndicate was erased from the city (by our heroes of course!) Lady Ambermantle recognized them as the sole rulers of Free Darnon and agreed with terms of trade with them. While the wagons for supplies were to be organized, our dear merchants marched to the shops to boost local economy with theirs tremendous hoards of gold. Fully upgraded and equipped, they still had time for the supply-wagons to be ready, so they decided to fetch Lot and the Cube of Tybor from Triel.

After full night of sleep at the Jumping Jugs, our heroes rode to Triel. The journey only took half a day. Village of Triel was the same as it used to be, although a strange stone statue had been mounted in the middle of the village. It didn't taka long to our fellows to recognize the statue to be Hashim, their old friend who was killed in Triel. Touched by the memorial, the moment soon turned to joy as Lot run to them. As the reunion took place, many memories where shared and laughter was heard all across the village. The village chief, Elvar the Grainlord soon joined the heroes, only to be terribly insulted as he found out that our braves were not the men they had told him ages ago. As a strong supporter of King Osander II regime, The Grainlord asked for the fake-diplomats to leave.

Artists view of the atrocious look of the Vasuthant
Our political plotters decided to obey Grainlords request (which was completely unheard of, given their eagerness in violence) but they first went to the house where the Cube was stored. Lot was slightly disappointed from the turn of events as he had savored great reverence within the village. Nevertheless, the cube was still buried untouched in the basement of the house, and as they dug it up, Melkor received strange message from the Cube. The old wizard assured the rest that the cube was just happy to see the heroes and downplayed the importance of the message. As they were making their way out of the house, Elvar the Grainlord appeared once more, carrying a amulet associated to Alzarseth, the Red Wizard. The bitter chief insulted the heroes and as he cursed them, great darkness descended from the sky. Terrible undead known as the Vasuthant attacked. Battle was grievous as many innocent villagers died, as the abominations life sucking powers did great damage to anything living around it. And to top this, the thing altered time itself. But don't you worry world, the champions of Light were near as this gargantuan evil erupted, and with amazing expertise of our good guys, the unholy creature released by the evil red wizard was destroyed.

And this my friend, was the first thunderbolt of the storm that would change the face of Darnon forever.